No Servants

Did anyone ever wonder why, with $38 million pounds, the family didn't have one servant? No housekeeper, no cook...?

Oh, wait....they DID have a gardener!!

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything!"


Well, I think the sort of person Alison was, she wouldn´t want any. She even said in series 4 she´d choose not to have a nanny.


(I bet you forgot that you ever made this post, but I'll reply anyway)

Even though they came into a lot of money, they're still a family who see themselves as normal people, note that none of them used Alison's "celebrity" status to their own advantage.

But also note that when they got the money back in S4, they lived more like rich people than they did before. The first house they bought with the lottery money, while big, wasn't HUGE, it seemed like like the size of a few relatively large semis. The one they bought at the end of S3 was much bigger and grander, and as you say, had the two living-in gardeners. Also, Alison's new office was much nicer.
