Pro-Israeli bent

If you're biased towards Israel, then this movie is for you. I'm glad the decision was made not to stop the Olympics.... that was unnecessary.... if this was any other group or race, there would have been no stoppage, and no hollywood biased movie to be made for it. Is it sad Israeli athletes were killed? Yes. Just as much as the number of Palestinian civlians killed by Israelis....


Your defense of terrorism is absurd.
this was not film about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
this was a film about the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics.

There are many instances where the Palestinians can be portrayed as sympathetic... this is not one of them.
It's kind of pathetic that you are trying to justify their actions.

this is not a movie about bias.
the facts of what happened in Munich don't make Black September look good.
Your real problem isn't that it has a bias, because the facts aren't biased.
your problem is that you want this movie to have a bias to justify murdering civilians.


Well said, Brendan. What Black September did forever harmed the Palestinian cause.
