A sick freak!

I dont care WHAT all these pathologists and psychiatrists say! This man was a sick freak who should have been shot as soon as they found the rotting body parts in his house. I mean seriously! He cut off a woman's face and WORE IT LIKE CLOTHES and make a woman suite!

Please discuss....




Not much sicker than what we as humans do to any other species our hearts desire. Don't we kill and then wear the skins of the dead (leather coats, etc.)? I mean, if one is to *really* reflect on reality then you pretty quickly realize that the general population of humankind is quite demented; deeply so. But you have to look to the source of the whole damn mess: Mother Nature (or "God", if you will). How twisted is it that we are actually *forced* to kill in order to survive? Even if one is a vegetarian he's still causing death (vegetables, of course, are alive; they just don't scream as loudly when you electrocute their testicles).

Anyway, how's your side of Hell today?


he did'nt make a woman suite. you mean he made a woman room? no, he made a woman SUIT. and not even. he only wore her breasts.




no he is not ignorant u ppl are OMG ED GEIN WORE PPLS SKIN AND U PPL ACT CALMLY ABOUT THAT. i think that is sickening and that guy should have gotten the death penalty.


I agree. He was disgusting but it is quite interesting to wonder why he actually committed these awful crimes. I do not understand why people would be obsessed with him. EWW, EWW, EWW. lol. Lisa x


I agree with the original poster.

And whoever said that what Gein did was not worse than killing and wearing animals...you're as sick as he is. There is a HUGE difference between women and animals.


You don't have to buy animals dinner beforehand.


LMFAO, NottinghamshireRipper....


hahahaha!! ed gein is amusing because he did very sick things with absolutely no realization that they were just that. they say he was the inspiriation for homer simpson- which i find unlikely. saying that the things he did were no worse than beyonce wearing a fur coat is seriously messed up, gein was very mentally disturbed. i don't think he deserved the death penalty, he was primarily a grave robber although he killed two women he did not know that what he was doing was wrong. just extrememly sick in the head, the poor old fart needed some mental help. i love what he's done for horror movies, tho.

"i can handle myself around the likes of ed gein!"



i think you most of you are idiots. obviously ed gein is very distrubed. but killing an animal and killing a women are the same thing if you look at the basics of it. a woman is an animal. it just is more advanced. 10 bucks the person who posted this has a fur coat, or leather shoes, or even those stupid hollister jakcets with the furry hood. i mean i am not saying killing is okay, nor we should all just do it because we do it to animals. i know killing a person is a bit worse than an animal. but still they are the same idea, as i said before. just shut up and actually think about things.

killing for peace is like *beep* for virginity


killing a person is just not the same thing as killing an animal for the warmth of wearing fur- we've evolved beyond them for a reason, and there's nothing wrong with hunting an animal out of need for food or warmth. of course i am not saying it is right to hunt for sport or inhumanly harm or torture an animal. wearing fur is also something i don't agree with, very unecessary although i do love me some doc martins! a mighty good shoe. TOTALLY off the topic, and a touchy one at that... respect to those who don't share my perspective. But... killing a woman and killing a cow is NOT the same thing! srr5561, is a man 'an animal' as well or is it only us girls?

peeeeeeeeeeeace out


good points fangorhea. ;D

killing for peace is like *beep* for virginity


He was a transvestite of women's skin.



ignorant people who have no idea what he went through like you should be shot



dude.. do you know? damn.


"I agree with the original poster.

And whoever said that what Gein did was not worse than killing and wearing animals...you're as sick as he is. There is a HUGE difference between women and animals."

Call me a just a silly veggie hippy...but I disagree.

Firstly a 'Woman' is a female 'Human'. Humans are of course a breed of Animal (in the Homo genus...though technically they are in the same genus as Chimpanzees and Bonobos (Pan) but dumb Man doesn't like being in the same genus as other apes), and thus they are the same.

The only reason that we find it more disgusting is the fact another Human looks like us and could are more closely related to us than the animals we use as food and clothing.

So in my opinion eating other Animals and wearing their flesh is pretty much the same when you think past your Psychological constraints.

Both are wrong.

"Nothings gonna change my world!"


A evil man. He enjoyed what he did and got off way to easy.

Open wide, baby bird, because mama's got a big, fat nightcrawler of truth. ~Stephen


Do you guys realize what your saying?

You said "This man was sick.". Which I'll agree, he was mentally ill. He got exactly what he deserved. He was put in a mental health institution where he died without killing anyone else. He can't help the fact that he was mentally unsound.


Anyone who would believe that killing a human is "only a bit worse" than killing an animal is themselves sick. Seek help.


There is a fine line between killing an animal and killing a human in my opinion. Please note that while I respect you being a vegetarian it does not necessarily mean everyone has to be, respect other peoples opinions. Also Ed Gein was not evil, he was insane. There is a difference.

"Someone who has critisized more movies to the pubic?," tcenters, Codename: The Cleaner boards.


Gein was deeply, deeply mentally disturbed for years, probably since early childhood - I mean, Ed recalled getting an erection and orgasming once when he walked in as a boy on his mother and father slaughtering a cow - that's not normal by any stretch (and don't say any of that "to each his own" stuff. There's normal and there's not normal. Orgasming over watching a cow get slaughtered is not normal.)
His insanity and mental disturbness came to a header when his mother died. When Augusta died, that was the straw that broke the camel's back - whatever little bit of thread of sanity that Ed was holding on by just snapped and he fell into the abyss of his illness with no looking back.
He didn't choose to go nuts, it happened. He had voices talking to him and his dead mother barking orders to him and all kinds of crazy stuff going on in his head, which, due to being so disturbed, he believed was true.
Gein thought that the things he was doing were normal. He made no real attempt to cover things up. When the barmaid was missing (and hanging up in Gein's house, dead), Ed said directly to people at the bar, "She's not missing. I got her hanging up at my house." They all just laughed it off.
Gein wasn't making a joke. She was swinging by the rafters out at the farm at that moment. If you were sane and had someone hanging in your house, I doubt you'd tell the whole bar you did.
Gein was a very sick and disturbed man who had no grasp on reality whatsoever. He didn't do these things out of evilness, he did them because his disturbed mind told him it was okay.
Well, if he was so disturbed all these years, why didn't anybody notice?
Remember, this was 1950's Wisconsin. The Gein farm was isolated and cut off from the world. Hardly anybody interacted with them. The setting was ripe for a young disturbed mind to grow crazier without notice. By the time Gein was on his own, his illness had it's hold and there was no way it was gonna let him go.
Gein's crimes were the first anybody in modern society had seen that were so disturbing and shocking. And instead of killing him, they decided to study his mind in order to learn how to spot a potential killer like him earlier on in life.


well said dougb2877


I agree that Ed Gein was a very sick man. Some psychiatrists believe that his illness stemmed from his very domineering mother, as I read somewhere (don't ask me to spot the site because I can't remember) he both loved and hated her. When she died he completely lost it and that's when it all started, it was very unfortunate that it happened but it did and he was put in a mental hospital WHICH WAS WHERE HE BELONGED. Atleast that's my opinion on the matter.

I don't think he should have been senteneced to death, because he was very sick and (this is going to sound horrible but it's the truth) he didn't truly mean any harm as someone else said on here he didn't realize he was doing anything wrong.

After he was arrested and the truth came out, many of the people who were interviewed about Mr. Gein said that he was a quiet reclusive person, but he seemed ok enough. I believe if he hadn't been mentally ill he probably would have been an alright person, but the fact remains that he was sick.

Why must close-minded people always open their mouths?
