Feeling sorry for Ed...

Im not sure exactly the nature of Ed Gein's actual personality
but am I alone in the fact that,aside from the times when he
was killing someone that I felt sorry for him.Steve,to me,pulled
off sort of a sympathetic way of Ed Gein.

Coming 2007


I'm watching the movie right now, for the first time, and yes you do feel sorry for this man, because of his childhood, that turned him into a monster. He was a simpleton which adds to the effect of someone feeling sorry for him.


he wasnt a simpleton he was socially and emotionally inept


He had schizophrenia.


he was a good man


"he was a good man"



Yes, he meant well.

Nobody else went through what he went through. Nobody lost their mother or family and lived alone, ever. The fact that he's a soulless monster and killed so many people is just peanuts.

No seriously, OP is an idiot, as are the sympathizers.



how do you figure schizophrenia do you know what it means??

life is short. Play.


"he wasnt a simpleton he was socially and emotionally inept"

Indeed. His intellect was actually genius level ("I could have been a doctor") but he looked like a simpleton and was picked on; one of the things that contributed to his personality flaws (really big flaws!).

"Jai Guru Deva, Om"



I realize this is an old, a very old post, but Ed Gein was NOT a genius or "genius level" as you put it. He was only 9 pts about the mean. Meaning his IQ was only 109 with 100 as average intelligence.


Yeah he pulled off sort of a sympathetic way of Ed Gein to me too...
Such a great actor, loved him.
The same kinda thing occured in Downfall/Der Untergang, where you sorta feel sorry for Hitler, tho thats totally different since Hitler WAS a truly evil person. For example: If you didnt know who Hitler was, you`d actually feel sorry for him, when watching Der Untergang/Downfall...


IT doesn't matter, he was a monster and deserved to die. You're retarded if you feel sorry for him.


He knew he was schizophrenic because they put him in a hospital for the rest of his life as they said that he had shizophrenia

Last Film/s I watched:
CRAZY 8/10



He was not made a monster, he was born that way.

His abuse was not severe enough to cause his sickness, and mental illness alone does not make you kill people.

Have you killed any people and eaten them? Dont compare yourself to ed gein, you are stupid for doing that. I think that you are just fishing for attention.


Gee... how can you say he was born that way?
Gein sounds very Germanic and Germans are dominant in Wisconsin and that says plenty for me.
Many, not all German- American fathers had their issues and were very disciplined with their family. Yes there were drunks and even normal fathers yet, they all had much in common, and that is being extremely tyrannical with their kids, especially the sons. You don't even want to know about "their" previous generation of fathers, etc. Parents were just more disciplined and life was tougher, harsher and every one had to fullfill their obligations then. Mothers had less to say- unlike in Italian families- for example. I'm not saying that the Italian-American family was run by the mother yet, she had much more input than in the patriarchal Germanic or Eastern European family.
There fathers ruled, and even if they behaved like tyrants and pre-adolescents themselves- they had the power and last word and they never spared the rod.
Gein as I see it, was not educated and could not make wise decisions because he was sheltered from real life.
His mother was another contributor to his actions. Her religious fanaticism was his only exposure to life at his younger time. I bet that religion was her only salvation from the father too. Ed was simply *beep*
One must understand that our parents mold us into what we are, what we are exposed to from outside stimuli and not when we pop out of the womb- unless we would have some wires crossed . I turned the movie off half way thru because I felt there were better things to do. There are enough revolting things in real life and while the film might be great and authentic, the subject matter turned me off. My.02 cents


Actually, he WAS, in fact, made a monster. His abuse was MORE than severe enough to cause his sickness, and mental illness alone DOES make you kill people. Mental illness alone is why you've seen a lot of mothers these days kill their children. By the way, one last statement. NO ONE is EVER born a monster. The assumption that you can be born a monster is ridiculously flawed at best and COMPLETELY ignorant at worst. Monsters are made, NOT born.



You can't much help it. He was tortured by his mental condition, his dependence on his mother, the religious beliefs she burned into him, his loneliness and sense of loss when she died, his wishes to have her back, his delusions and visions of her, suppressed sexuality, and on and on. No sane person could have done what he did. Research is showing that people who do things like this are chemically imbalanced. The truth is that in the atmosphere of rural Wisconsin, where people live and let live, and the 50s, where there was little healthy mental treatment, someone like Ed Gein was bound to materialize. His life has been a lesson to the mental health community. What happened to him and what he did has served to educate the world, and move us forward toward awarenmess of mental instability and the terrible things that our minds can drive us to. In a way, we need to be grateful to him, a very sick man who just didn't know what else to do.


Yeah I know I feel really bad for him too. He didn't mean to do stuff like this he had no other choice. He mustve felt so lost and afraid and alone its not his fault


I don't really feel bad for him. He murdered people.

I feel bad for the families of those he killed.

This is a logic free zone:
Use of logic will be met with uncomfortable silences



Revenge is pretty pathetic as well though.


Ed Gein was declared (if I recall correctly) "an emotionally impared schizophrenic and sexual psychopath" with a severe love/hate attitude to women that stemmed from an unhealthy mother-son relationship. So there you go.



Ed's childhood is a pretty valid arguement for nuture over nature in the case of mental or personality disorders i tend to go nurture over natre for sure. My personal belief is that we are all capable of the same things we just react differantly. I feel i could never murder somebody but i'd be singing a differant song if my little sister was raped, tortured and slaughtered by someone. We all have our breaking point and how we emotionally respond to certain circumstances i think fuels this kind of behaviour. Humans are born neither evil nor good. Gein deserved pity and sympathy but he also deserved life imprisonment or death. Same goes for the Columbine shooters. We all must answer to the consequences for our actions


like that scene in the hardware store when he wished that lady 'good luck on her heart operation and all.' what was so bad about that why did everyone make a face at him he was being nice. no reason to dig her up afterwards but still...
also why did Collete shake her head in disgust while talking when ed told her told her that she reminded him of augusta. that's a compliment if u ask me
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I to felt sorry for Ed... all Ed Gein fans & Steve Railsback or fans of this movie email me at
[email protected]

