Shrunken Heads And Other Items

In the movie Ed Gein was shown reading a book about nazi war crimes and I have also read that he was interested in this subject. The thing is that a lot of them are now known to be faked.
Shrunken Heads - at the end of world war 2 it was claimed that these were manufactured in a concentration camp. This has been debunked here -
Human Skin Lampshade - this is another infamous fake atrocity story. Debunked here -
Human Soap - this is probably the most well known of the weird atrocity stories. But the truth is the Nazis never made soap out of human fat -


I wouldn't believe anything codoh says since it was started by Bradley R Smith who questions whether the Holocaust even happened.

Same for started by Mark Weber another denier.


World War II has been over for 70 years. Surely people can question anything they like about that conflict - it's called democracy and the right to freedom of speech.


Of course they have the right of questioning it.

But what's their interest of denying (and not questioning) things that have some good amount of proofs that happened?
