MovieChat Forums > The Others (2000) Discussion > what would u think.............

what would u think.............

what would happen if really went to another season and would they be alive what do u think


I would assume if they wanted to do that they'd have to either scratch what happened and change the ending... or more logically... they would have new characters(hopefully just as interesting) and possibly have some of the old characters appear in an episode or two (as spirits maybe?) again that is if the actors/writers/producers would want to. (BUT here's hoping they do!)


I think that all of that last episode was some kind of coma hell or purgatory if you will of elmer's. they all would have been fine and that the Marion and that fine doctor would probably get romantically involved after he would get insanely jealous seeing her with a college guy or something, and that sartori would get terribly disappointed and resigned at the relationship. i think that we would have soon more development of the serendipitous character that gets psychic clues by numbers, etc., and more devlopment in the college professor. alas, it was not meant to be, though....sigh!


or marion can wake-up and what happen in the last two episodes was just a dream and it never happen


Exacty Elmer tricked the deamon somehow to save the soul of the girl that he lost the second time he fought the demon. Almost at the end Elmer say that she was his student and it was he who learned her and not the other way around. I believe it was a clue that Elmer was winning even as it didn't look like it.

The episode when the demon learned what all of them wanted beside Elmer, they said they were going to look out for eachother. Then out of a sudden everybody gets what they want except Elmer, and it happens at the same time for everybody, they don't even bother to check if anybody else could see the people responsible for what they wanted like some retards. Seing all the other episodes i know they were smarter then that and they even had sixth senses and everything so they should be even harder to fool. Like Marians roommate, she makes something up and Marian just like "What ever" she most have forgot how Eve even knew she wanted a roommate. It was pretty retarded to get fooled the first time when she said her mom died, but she said she was her sister and everything, she was also in chock. But fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. Marian would never get fooled like this a second time.

But it had obviously to play out like that for the demon to trick him, I believe Elmer traped the demon inside the vision and the others including Marian who was even more powerful then Elmer after he tought her everything, they release the soul of the girl Elmer lost in the second fight with the demon, making him weaker so they could trap him in hell for eternity.
If you don't believe me look at the last episode once more and you se how dumb they are never suspecting anything. If they were as dumb as in the last episode the other episodes don't make any sense, they were dumber in the last episode then people without gifts. It was against all odds they would get the thing they want the most on the same day, especially when they knew the demon asked them what they wanted and why would he want to know that? I would be suspicious if one of them would get something he wants the most this early after the demon asked them, and they all got what they wanted within a month and they got it at the same time. The demon asked in episode 9 and it was over in episode 13. They couldn't be that dumb or retarded.
However the biggest clue is what Elmer say before he supposably die. That the demon isn't in controll. So if there would be a Second Season we would se the same episode from another angle. Not the demons point of view but the others point of view. They could acctually rap it up with one episode showing Elmer winning over the demon one last and final time. There are several clues in the final episode that we don't really understand because they are out of context. And only if I pretend that they are tricking the demon al the clues finally make sense. Like when Marian went back for her jacket and we saw some kind of wibe, I didn't really get that but it could all make sense if we would se that episode from another point of view.

I find it rather hard to believe the demon didn't suspect anything because it went a little to well. Only way they could have made it easyer for the demon would be a mass suicide. The demon most really have been retarded. The only way this scenario could be real is if the demon never asked them what they wanted but somehow found out anyway. Asking them was really retarded, he should have looked trough their trash or something not asking them like that. And telling Marian her mother is dead with her sisters voice was the dumbest thing ever. The demon should have asked them one and one in some undercover way so they never knew it was him, and not on the same day. If he spread the asking during 2 weeks they would never connect it. However done is done, and that's why the demon was ment to fail.
This ending could be belivable with some cuts so we didn't get the clues and without the whole Episode 9 ("The Ones That Lie in Wait")......
