

Does anyone know why this amazing tv show ended?
Did it come to its end? Was it cancelled? ...????

Thank you for your answers!


It ran 5 seasons.
Seemed to come to a natural conclusion.
In 2004.



Hi Kissmiasma,

thanks for your reply.
5 seasons seem a resaonable amount but it has only about 10 episodes (a bit less If I remember well) per season, so not many episodes in the end. It seems so short.
I was wondering why it ended then, it could have run for longer.


I miss the show - I guess at some time every good thing must end.

I'm just glad I got the series on DVDs.



I miss Fortier too. Such an original concept and captivating stories.
Lucky you you can watch the show whenever you like.

But I repeat why end it so soon? It could have run for at least one more season.
Great show always end too soon, and other shows are going on and on.


Yes, it often seems the crummy ones are the ones that get to continue while the good ones are cut short.

