One More Kiss

ok so if you live in the US, the only way to see the movie is to buy, if even, on ebay? I really want to see it cause it sounds so cute, but I have no idea where to find it unless I buy it...any suggestions?


You can preorder it on It is being released in June.


ok awesome. thank you so much!


You can rent it from NETFLIX if you are a member that is how I saw it. It just ended, I was one of those tear jerker gota see it movies

Butler fan..Thanks to "Phantom"


i saw it years ago at the vancouver film festival, way before Butler was famous, it was good. Glad I saw it back then. I'd certainly watch it again.

it's just a message board. Chill


I borrowed it from the public library. Your library should have a database you can search and request from another branch if necessary.


I bought it on As much as I like Gerard Butler - I didn't like the movie.

The premise was hard to take. I had absolutely no sympathy for Sarah (and I'm a cancer survivor). Even if she was given a short period of time to live - she was so incredibly selfish in some ways (stressing the relationship of Charlotte and Sam - with no thought to what she was doing and no remorse) and then she was very thoughtful to Frank and Jude. I felt bad that I couldn't feel bad for her situation. That's a horrible thing way to feel


I have to say that when I watched this film the first time, I had a similar reaction to Sarah's character. I first got the film because I've become so enthralled with Gerry Butler's acting and I was curious to see this earlier work of his. I knew the premise would bother me from the start since I have strong feelings about fidelity in marriage. I have to say, however, that after watching it three times, I come away each time with different reactions to the characters in the movie.

Sarah at first was the easiest to dislike... she had a glibness at times that made you want to smack her. To be gone for so long and expect to just show up and have him be there for her seemed pretty presumptuous under any circumstance. I realize after watching it more than once that she really didn't press for that to continue after finding out he was married. Her dad went to Sam and told him she "needed" him and Sam himself was not willing to cut her loose... for his own reasons. While I suppose she could have refused to see him, she was really in too much need to be able to pull that off. Even when they were spending time together, she never made a play for him in a sexual way that I could really see. They just ultimately fell into a sort of gravitational pull that was there from before. I felt really badly for his wife, despite her lack of compassion for the dilemma Sam was in... but the way she handled things only pushed him away even more. Up until that whole situation developed, I don't think he realized what he was missing in his marriage. His wife was devoted and loyal and they seemed to enjoy one another. She was not a "soulmate" for him, however. He had a kind of connection and understanding with Sarah he could never have with his wife, due to no fault of her own. My own take on that has to do with creative/intuitive personalities and sensing/concrete types. They often pair up in marriage due to being different... and that's not a bad thing... but if you are a creative/intuitive type, you can find yourself yearning for someone who understands what you are passionate about... or can speak the same language and not just tolerate it. Charlotte was willing later to go to the opera with him but said, "It won't kill me." While her willingness was nice... he yearned for someone who could share what he was passionate about. The same was apparent in their dialogue about him building intricate sand castles while a tidal wave was coming in, etc. She missed the whole point and probably wouldn't have gotten it if she tried. I did feel sympathy for her... don't get me wrong. What he did was not loyal to her at all and she did deserve better... but I can understand where he was coming from. He wanted to be there for them both, but he was forced to make a choice and he did.

I found myself annoyed AND sympathetic to all of the players in this situation. Sam could have stepped back and salvaged his marriage, but I don't think he could have lived with himself later if he'd not supported Sarah in her last days and he sacrificed everything to "follow his heart." I wasn't happy about the infidelity at all... but I could understand the emotional underpinnings of what played out in the movie. We can only hope we never find ourselves in a similar situation! After watching the third time, I felt the most sadness for Sam, surprisingly. He said he didn't think he could stand to lose what he'd most loved again, but that's exactly what he did... Sarah and Charlotte. One had to wonder what he'd do with his life after that. I expect his character would do some soul searching and commence a sort of life change... maybe do some of the unfinished things on Sarah's list. One of the things he got from his relationship wth her was her infectious enthusiasm to grab life by the throat. He was more inclined to play it safe, but loved that quality in her and was inspired by it, I think. Now he might have to find that within himself to move on. I guess we'll never know. :-) Maybe he and his wife would even patch things up over time. While she didn't totally understand him... she was crazy about that man.

Kathy M.


I so agree with alot of the points you were making! I still feel that Sarah was incredibly selfish to think after being gone for 7 years she can just come back into Sam's life and expect him to drop everything just to be with her.
Yes, his wife didn't understand but put yourself in her posistion. She is totally in love with this man does everything he wants to do, ie run a resturant
and listen to his music, with no thought of what she wants. I think she always thought that she couldn't live up to the ideal of what he had with Sarah. Finding the picture in his wallet just confirmed what she always suspected that he never stopped loving her.
It was a tragic story all around. The only person who benefited from Sarah coming back was her father. Sam's marriage is ruined due mostly to his need to be with his first love giving no thought to how it would affect his wife. Now he's lost them both.

It's an excellent movie that can evoke such emotion. I thought Gerry did a remarkable job protraying Sam with all his conflict about doing what the heart wants. Which isn't always the right thing.




You won't see this, probably, but it's okay. I didn't like this movie, and I didn't like Butler in it, or any of the characters, really. Butler is far better now that he's older and more 'wrinkled'... he's just too 'smooth faced' for me, in this movie, and I would have felt that way if I was still young, which I'm not.
As for the cancer victim, geez, she had NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. This must be some kind of movie that only brits can like, given they live in a formerly 'great' country. Butler's character is married, end of story. Sarah is a selfish bimbo and his character is immature and would have cheated on his wife at some point in their married life. His wife is better off without him. Keeping a picture of a former lover in one's wallet is just so... un-enlightened.

I stopped watching after the first 35 minutes.
Stupid movie, ugh.

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


It was and is, a beautiful and profound movie, sometimes a viewer can only resonate through the medium of similar experience in life, after all... experience is a limited lamp that only lights the path of the one who carries it, come back to the film as life goes on, it will mean more to you (to any viewer), I thought it was wonderful and moving.
