
I love Agnes Jaoui and I was looking forward to see this movie after watching " le gout des autres " and " un air de famille" with Bacri but I must say I got quite disappointed, maybe not so much with her as an actor but by the story itself and the character she is playing. I found myself being quite annoyed at the main character who's obviously " interiorised " everything and fall into depression. I thought the behaviour of Francoise is eratic and irrational, I could hardly believe that a person would act like this in real life. There is no communication whatsoever between her and her husband, her and her kids, her and her colleagues. It is like she is acting as if the people that surrounded her, were not human beings but duties that she has to carry doing. This aspect is very strong in the movie and makes it difficult to believe.

In that respect, it is hard to get attached to the character or put yourself in her shoes since Francoise keeps everything for herself. I have heard on T.V that this film was especially made for her. Christophe Blanc obviously didn't want us to get closed to the character and wanted to depict that some people are not so all strong as they pretend to be but I think there was a better approach about it and the ending is finishing up in the air, which is even more frustrating. Yes, she looked stronger but we don't know what is going to happen to her and how she is going to turn her life around.
