What about a movie?

Their was a rumor about a Duke Nukem movie, but I don't really know if they're gonna make it someday.
What would you want to see in such a movie?




I remember that Arnold Schwarzenegger was in title role...


The Rock was a very very bad choice could have been one.


A Duke Nukem movie would be great! I always thought that The Rock could play Duke.


Why? Cause he is Hollywood hyped muscleman like Vin Diesel?

Let him play Johnny Bravo thats bad enough ^^


Have to say The Rock would be terrible as Duke C'mon face facts Duke is a White guy. I'm not being racist but you wouldn't cast Bruce Willis as Blade would you?


I wouldn't, but the MAN would.


There are only a few good candidates to play Duke in a movie.

The best actor to play Duke is Sylvester Stallone. Check out the pic link below. He even shares the same smile as Duke:

Another worthy candidate is Mickey Rourke. He was great as Marv in Sin City, and in other recent movies:

What do you think? Isn't Stallone perfect or what




Stallone should play him because he smirks similar to him?
I love Stallone but I think a 5'10 60 year old is a bad choice to play a 6'4" Muscle bound Blonde Ass kicker.

Rourke is the best choice so far, but theirs countless unknown actors out there that'd probably be better. Duke is the star don't want him overshadowed by who's playing him.



Stallone is too recognizable. You'd watch the movie and think of him as Stallone, not as Duke.
Howie Long is a very close match.

