Duke Nukem The Movie

Slated for release sometime in the near future, apparently its in preproduction right now, with Scott Faye coming up with a story concept.

It's been awhile since this question was asked, what would you guys like to see? An original story with elements from all the games combined. (EG Aliens coming to Los Angeles, and Duke either being called in or pulled into the battle when the aliens start stealing chicks) or start from the begining?

Personally, after writing a bunch of scripts on my own, I dont think the original two games would make for very compelling cinema. Though the explodo molar and Duke's autobiography would make great throwaway gags in a movie.

The tricky thing with a Duke movie is you cannot take the material very seriously, or get too heart-felt with it. It has to be very loose and B-Movie. Something inspired by films like They Live + Evil Dead 2 + Demolition Man. A campy, actiony, atmospheric cult-style movie.

I know the typical response to these threads is usually "Guns, explosions, one liners." But im asking more sincerely, if you had control. If it was your call. What would you do with Duke Nukem The Movie?


It would be *beep* hilarious, but also action packed.


I'd like them to go straight to the source and keep their mind open for a proper series. Like The original James Bond series, they went to the individual novels to begin with and stuck Farley close to the original plots. (This skewered off many time later in the series though). By this I mean they should do one thing at a time and not just group everything together into one Genetic movie, that is what has made every other VG turned movie awful for the fans.

Duke Nukem 1 was about Duke's nemesis Proton taking a City siege with an army of cyborgs. That's what I'd want. Maybe mix in a little 'Manhattan Project' as the plots are so similar.

And you're right about the tone, this film should defiantly be more of a black-comedy than straight forward action film. Things like 'Army of Darkness' and 'Big Trouble in little China' come to mind. It should also be a kind of homage to the 80's action films in the same way 'Grindhouse' was a homage to 70's exploitation.

Also staple kind of Duke Humour like reference to other movies. Funny if he walked past something that looked like John McClane's skeleton or something.

Concept for 'Duke Nukem: Shrapnel City'
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2007/362/3/0/Duke_Nukem_Poster_B_by_ Cybopath.jpg

