MovieChat Forums > The 51st State (2002) Discussion > Plot mistake??? (spoiler)

Plot mistake??? (spoiler)

If the drug was just a placebo, why does Jackson got so nervous when the kid in the plane put one in his mouth?


It probably had nothing to do wiht the effect (or lack-thereof) of the pill, so much as what the kid would have dome with it. Perhaps he was afraid the kid would spit it ou or something and someone would find it and ask questions about it. He was probably just trying to keep a low profile. Even if he made a scene getting it back.

All speculation though. Nothing's for sure in this crazy world.

Of course that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...


I'd just be totally P*ssed off if some little punk dipped his hand in my sporran and snagged a free sweet. Regardless of whether it was a real drug or not the little c*nt needs a good slap!


what about the actual chemist that gave the drug the thumbs up? isnt that a MASSIVE plot hole?

"somebody needs to teach him the difference between hospitality and hospitalize"

reply those tests that he did look for the presence of chemicals within the drug, for instance one of the test tubes looked for dopamine which was probably present. But later on in the film you learn that each of the chmicals cancel each other out.

Some of the bigest plotholes though are the fact that the science behind it is nonsense. And it doesn't matter if the ingredients aren't on any banned substance list, turning them into a preperation and then distributing without a licence is ilegal.

Still I like the flick because it's soooo chinese in its direction.


hmmm thanks for that. i totally lost all respect for that film but you've cleared it up for me.

"somebody needs to teach him the difference between hospitality and hospitalize"


Maybee it was because it was the laxative pills!!??
I wouldent like some snotty little kid sh*tting everywhere on my plane either!!!!


maybe he wanted to amke sure that if he was watched, he could still keep up the appearance that he was for reals, and not giving his drug out to kids before the hemmoroid guy could buy the formula

The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return


That dude didn't have haemorrhoids. he got his arse waxed once a month so he couldn't sit down without a pillow

Narrator: I am Jack's colon.
Tyler: I get cancer and I kill Jack


I wouldn't expect screen writer Stel Pavlou to make such a mistake. Yet there isn't.

By knowing that Dakota (Dawn) was seated just across, watching him, trying to see under the kilt between his legs, he had to act like it was real in order not to ruin his plan.

Yes; it's a detail.



Cigarettes killed my father.... and raped my mother! -Family Guy (random Congress guy)


yeah id do the same thing, except maybe spill my drink on him "accidentilly", a super hard vodka, with paprika, and whole lemon squeeze in it drink, that will show the fatty fat-fat!

what? i dont like people stealing my candy!

I'd rather be a fake somebody, than a real nobody


the whole plot of the movie is rediculous. The chemistry is ludicrous, for example when he shows the dealer the formula by lighting the paper.
Who cares about the formula? U can just get that by mass spectrometry or whatever, what matters in chemistry is how u can make the substance.
Also the fact the drug is a placebo is rediculous. A placebo could never have him wanted so much by several drug dealers and some punks.
After all its a rediculous movie which is just a cheap copy of movie's like trainspotting, lockstock and snatch. The humor is decent at times and rediculously cheap for the rest.


I think it's 'rediculous' that someone can't spell ridiculous. lol.


elmo was going to screw everyone, he made a placebo that looked ligit but didnt work. he was going to his money and dissapear.


AS ONE PERSON SAID the ingredients arent on any banned list, that doesnt mean the drug is legal it just means that you can take the ingredients any where any how and mix em together, ANYWHERE! if that isnt a gold mine in itself then what is?

also yeah the drug had the ingerdients of a drug, but the chemical reaction makes it inert as they cancel each other, the chemist has been working on this for 30 yrs, i think he might have worked out all the contingencies.


as for geting upset with the kid, since he was going to screw everyone over, he couldn't risk a slip up, so he had to act like they were drugs , like in oceans twelve.
