Why so meen to that kid

When they're are on the plane an the kid takes one of the "drugs". Why does Samuel L. make him spit it out? If the drugs aren't real why should he care if the kid takes some?



It's a really good point...

I'll give you a simple answer the Annoying Kid wanted to steal the candies!!!

Samuel just teaches the lesson "thou shall not steal". Funny that both mother and people around find that kid behavior...normal!



Yeah, seems pretty simple answer to me. It's a matter of principle. Although most in today's society see "theft" is only as bad as the value of goods being stolen. What ever happened to theft-is-theft?

What would have been said if S-L-J had stolen a candy out of a candy-bag the kid was holding. Oh, no! The social ineptness!! But it's OK for a kid to steal a candy, becuase "it's only a candy"? No wonder kids values are out the proverbial window in this day and age.


funny you should bring up principles

the whole movie's about killing and bad behavior...and you guys talk about the kid?

and anyalysed it to relate to society? no offence, but i think that's the silliest thing i've seen all day



I've finally seen this film for the first time tonight, so came on this board to see what others think!

Anyway, on this point about the drugs, I got the impression (from one of Elmo's comments) that they were not real but the mixture of the different ingredients would have made it look real when tested by the chemist (Pudsey Snith).

You forget all the things, you just do it!




The reason he made the kid spit it out is very simple, the audience wasn't supposed to know the drug was fake till the end of the movie. Had the kid taken P.O.S. 51 and didn't show severe symptoms of drug use, we all would have been like "What the heck? Isn't that supposed to be some super powerful stuff?"

And whoever thinks that the drug was real obviously wasn't listening to the last 20 mins of the movie, he pops a handful right before he tells The Lizard that its fake. P.O.S. 51 is whatever the user wants it to be. Power Of Suggestion - P.O.S Lots of Placebos work that way, like when they test aspirin, they won't tell you what it does, because people have imagined its effects when told what they were testing.

At the end, Dawn says "What about the drug? You Conned us." Elmo replies "I conned them, WE got paid." They knew it was fake, because they listened to Elmo when he said it was. They got paid 20 million (actually 21.6 counting Durant's money that Elmo stole off the table) for a worthless formula on the back of a postcard of a Castle that was worth 7 - 7.5 million. The Castle that he bought after the first few credits roll.

I really can't understand why people think the drug was real, he says it wasn't, then downs a handfull, had they been what he said they were, the OD would have killed him. He said that you can run all the tests you want, and it'll look like the best stuff in the universe, but the different chemicals cancel each other out. So it actually does nothing. As for the Raver kids, since Elmo told them that they'd all fly after taking this stuff, the fact they thought they did was the Power Of Suggestion.

Besides, the ravers were probably all ready flying on stuff they all ready took. Had Iki actually taken one of the tabs that Elmo put in his bowl, he would have known they weren't real. And since the tabs were almost certainly confiscated by Detective Kane, he wouldn't have had the chance to take any later.

Had it been me though, I'd have kicked that little tard's butt all over the plane. And his mom thinking that Elmo was the wrong one just shows what kind of upbringing the kid is getting.
