love this movie!!!!

i was on vacation with my big brother and my dad in london and paris and one night when we werent tired one night, we were up watching this movie and LOVED IT great dancing and orlinda was B-E-A-U-TI-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, I agree!
I watched it Christmas time and it was amazing!
So was Hugh Laurie!

Reality betrays us all!


Have to agree it's a small movie but its heart is in the right place. Hugh Laurie is rather special-he brings a reality to the most unlikely situations-he is always believable. It's the key to his deserved success in House and other ventures.
In Britain he was overshadowed by the towering talent of the marvellous Stephen Fry (Hugh always held his own, but was largely seen as a "sidekick"). his own talent is a lot more wide-ranging than that. You just love him onscreen.
