Song on preview?

On the only preview I saw for this movie there was a song, I believe it was by Bob Dylan and had the lyrics "in the gloaming." I cannot find it for the life of me, does anyone know?


Hey Pissed,
I see that you posted awhile ago, but I hope you check back anyway.

The song is "When The Roses Bloom Again" by Wilco.

It is an outtake from the Mermaid Avenue sessions that Wilco did with Billy Bragg (an english artist). The Mermaid Avenue sessions were about Billy Bragg and Wilco putting music to old Woddy Guthrie lyrics that he was never able to write melodies for himself. Some really great songs came from the process, and there are two albums of it.
This song can only be found on the Chelsea Walls soundtrack. How'd they get it? Probably because the score for Chelsea Walls was made by Jeff Tweedy himself (the lead singer of Wilco).

Hope that helped!



Thanks so much.

