MovieChat Forums > Homicide: The Movie (2000) Discussion > the 4th chair was bayliss its obvious.

the 4th chair was bayliss its obvious.

He told frank he was thinking of eating his gun and he told frank by turning him in he doesnt know for sure how long he will be ok for,plus in svu munch made a comment that last partner that said that ate his gun before svu, munch s last partner was bayliss in season 7, bayliss became his official partner in the start of season 7.


It could be for the doctor that was shot who was operating on G. Those things aren't really set in stone, remember?


What would the dead doc be doing playing cards over at Homicide, though?..

It's highly likely that the 4th chair would go to Bayliss. Although I think it'd ruin his whole character's journey in the show if at the point when he finally goes out acting on his principles, he offs himself coz of guilt. It just wouldn't jive..

... but then again him becoming a bisexual Buddhist activist never made sense to me either, so I guess his fate and the occupant of that empty chair will have to remain unknown =p


What would the dead doc be doing playing cards over at Homicide, though?..

It's highly likely that the 4th chair would go to Bayliss. Although I think it'd ruin his whole character's journey in the show if at the point when he finally goes out acting on his principles, he offs himself coz of guilt. It just wouldn't jive..

... but then again him becoming a bisexual Buddhist activist never made sense to me either, so I guess his fate and the occupant of that empty chair will have to remain unknown =p 
