MovieChat Forums > 964 Pinocchio (1991) Discussion > I was about to buy this...

I was about to buy this...

I was about to buy this the other day because I want to be scared/disturbed like I used to when watching horror films.

By the way, I dont know if this is really horror, although it is labeled horror at Best Buy (where I almost bought it).

Will this scare the sh*t out of me?

"all right ramblers, lets get ramblin"


this is not's CRRRRRAP! pretty much zero story line and there's no use trying to make sense of it, but if you have a sense of humor and enjoy various fluids coming out of peoples mouths over and over again...go for it. do not spend over 6.00usd on this, because then you will be really sad and bummed out.


i wouldn't call it horror but there's plenty of disturbing imagery to keep you entertained. it certainly isn't out to get awards lol. but i liked it and it did in fact bother my girlfriend to nightmares when we saw it. a lot of screaming, running, puking (seriously, longest movie puke scene i've ever seen!), and a bizarre score reminiscent of einsturzende neubauten. the dvd menus at self are pretty entertaining too


the story gets a little incoherent about 2/3rd's through. i still think its worth a purchase though.


WHAT? entertaining? mmm what was the entertaining part? the puke part, or maybe the one hour lenght running part? this is truly the worst movie I have seen! shame on all of you! :S


Screwed up, but it grew on me after three viewings.


I have a feeling it's going to do the same for me.
I just saw this with my brother this last weekend. We're both vets of Tetsuo: the Iron Man and Eraserhead, and consider those among the greatest of films. Then we saw Pinocchio 964...
My brother got up and left during the 30 minute vomiting scene. He said it wasn't becasue he was grossed out, but because that was like the 15th overly drawn out scene we'd watched. I agreeed.
Unlike my bro, I finished the movie...and felt, essentially, raped. I wanted the 1.5 hours of my life back for the first time after seeing a movie.
And yet...
I can't get Pinocchio out of my mind. What was it trying to say? Was it really as bad as I initally thought? Am I honestly going to watch it again?
I think I'm going to give it another view, this time alone all the way through, in the dark, in surround sound, in my basement.
If it still sucks, it still sucks, and I'll shelve it for life or until I want to get extremely pissed off.



BAD MOVIE, no sense just disgusting and *beep* images. I think the idea of this movie came up something like this:
BAD Producer: Do you have a good idea for a movie
BAD Writter:MMM... no but we can make the most disgusting film ever, maybe that way we can be famous
BAD Producer: Ok... good enough for me


this was a great movie, you have to look beneath the visual to appreciate it.


What bimsalabim7 said. It's not a horror film just a crap film!

Anyway there is a "niche" and a viewer for all kind of movies. If you like movies with NO story and woeful acting, plus a bunch of revoltive scenes, then go ahead. Buy it. You won't be disappointed...


Anyone who complains this film has no story and no plot has watched it for the entirely wrong reasons.

It's just an art piece. It's not suppose to have a storyline and plot. It's basically a dream/nightmare.


uh, i know it's 2010 and you have probably already either seen this or have forgotten about it completely, but buy it. it is good if you enjoy experimental films.


w/e liked it. yes parts dragged a bit but it was a disturbing experience. i don't think i would own, i'm glad i saw it though. Reminded me lots of Tetsuo, but in color. Some parts were very sick, some parts were filmed oddly, theirs a fair trickle of humour to all this. i dunno, theres a lot to appreciate in this extremely weird film. 8/10
