Favourite Character

Who is your favourite character. And what is your favourite class. Personally I my favourite character is either Minsc or Jan Jansen. And i like being either a cleric or a monk.

~~I do not fear death. It is what comes after death I fear.~~I see freedom dance and hatred fly~~


Korgan Bloodaxe.


Yoshimo, Aerie and Viconia. They're all very different, but still.


Boo is my favourite character. Who else? ;P
Monks are the best class (acording to me)

It's sleaze like that that gives sleaze like us a bad name.



I have three favorite characters

The first would be Imoen. She was always a good character throughout the whole game. She always brought a much-needed innocence and care-freeness to my parties. Any and all converstations that involved her were always either incredibly entertaining or deep. Plus, as far as comp game characters go, she's hot.

The second would be Minsc. If I were going to list all of the reasons why I love this guy I would be here all day. Put simply, whenever his sentences had "butt-kicking" in them were automatically great. Never has there been a character more hilarious than him. The only one that comes remotely close is HK-47 of Knights of the Old Republic.

But of course both of these characters pale before the incredible character known as Jon Irenicus. I dunno why it is, but I can't get enough of him. Everything he says is incredible cool and creepy. Definetly the best video game villian ever, much better than the final adversary of the expansion pack. He's so quotable and so powerful, and has such an incredible back story to him. He's perfect on every level.

My favorite class has always been the Ranger or the Paladin. Yeah, I'm a sucker for all of the "fighter of justice and righteousness" crap.

"Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying. That's goddamn right"


Jon Irenicus or Drizzt


Definitely, definitely, definitely Drizzt Do' Urden... he's the coolest guy in Faerûn!


Yes, Drizzt is inherently cool, but he makes such a short appearance that he almost shouldn't count.
Personally, I'd have to say it's hard to beat Minsc and Boo, I mean, two great characters for the price of one - what more could you ask for?
As for character classes, I'm a fan of the Paladin and the Kensai, provided you have the brains and bravery to find the right equipment for them (the Carsomyr for the former, the Celestial fury for the latter)




Drizzt didn't seem so cool after I killed him into tiny pieces! Then I took his weapons for most of the game. >:D

Yoshimo was my favorite, but Aeris probably ranks the most up there, if only because she leaves the party when you sleep with the drow girl in the underdark. Now /that/ is some personality.. not letting herself be pushed around like everyone in KotOR or NWN!


Irenicus..David Warner's voice just does something to me! So cold...so cruel....So absolutely perfect for Irenicus. He just take the 'hope' right out of you!

David..if you ever check yourself out on IMDB..We love ya!


Agreed about Jon Irenicus.

Pure power, beyond fathom...


Jon Irenicus is definitely an excellent villain, perfect voice, attitude, backround,etc. He's my favourite non-playable caracter in the game. Among the various caracters that can join your party I'd say my favourites, it's hard to settle on just one, would be Minsc, Imoen and Aerie. I found funny when Aerie tried to break away from my party because she's so insecure, you really have to argue quite a bit in order to reassure her and persuade her to stick around. The funny thing is that eventually she thanks you and begins to fall for you (well at least if you're a male caracter...). I sorta liked Yoshimo too. Just out of curiosity, when you kill Drizzt and his party can you save the game after? I accomplished this (and it took many tries...) and after having killed them I couldn't save when I left the are. Must be some crazy glitch.


Favourite characters are Imoen and Minsc. I also like Nalia but she doesn't get a lot of development after you finish her quest. It's also too bad you don't get Imoen back until far into the game, or at least it seems far into the game if you do all the side quests and character quests.

My favourite class would probably be the Blade in the Bard kit, your pickpocket skill is very high, you get to use mage skills, you're not limited with weapons (just can't specialize), and the special abilities that they get (offensive and defensive stance) are useful.

And to the Drizzt question, I have no idea because I never killed him. I at first brushed him off then later on got him to help with the vampires.



I like Sarevok and Korgan Bloodaxe.


My favourite character is Valygar Corthala because of the background story and his katanas. And of course he has the coolest portrait in BG. I also liked Elminster in BG1.

As for character classes I was Conjurer in BG1 and I also imported the same character in BG2.


Gotta be Keldorn! His reactions when you perfrom evil deeds are most amusing, was'nt happy 'bout him killing Viconia though.


Favorite character: minsc, followed closely by jaheira
Favorite class: paladin (cavalier), or ranger (archer)--depending on who i am playing with and what there strengths/weaknesses are.


Favorite characters: Minsc and Aerie.
Favorite class: Not sure yet, I haven't really tried em all out.


Nalia is so sweet and cuddly
I also like keldorn


The evil hamster


That's impossible! How come no one named Edwin? He is the funniest and coolest and also the meanest Red Wizard there is! He might be annoying at times because of his big mouth, but he degrades everything with style! include him in your party next time and you won't regret it. But don't forget that he picks fights with everyone; including Jaheera ("Whatever happened to your impotent weasel of a husband"), Minsc ("Minsc, the only rodent in my pants doesn't squeak when I touch it.") the leader of the Red Wizards Elminster ("Elminster this, elminster that! give me two thousand years and a pointy hat and i'll kick his arse") aaand YOU:

"'Edwin do this, edwin do that!', somebody give this jerk a banana!"

"Collect your worthless trinkets, I have enough burden on me already"


Haer Dalis, Edwin, Sarevok and Irenicus.


Vicona, it's fun to make her turn into a good character
favourite roll would be a theif/swashbuckler, theives are always handy :-)


sarevok (hes so cool)
jan (only with the banter he has with sarevok)- but other than that i HATE jan


swashbuckler or blade

