the lighthouse keepers

so i'm american and i am really confused as to what gaunne no dae that means
is it i'm going to know who did that?
please help!
i think it's funny but i don't know why!!!!!!!


gonnai no dae that=

going to no do that=

dont do that


so when the other guy replies "how" he means like, "how do i not do that" like how do i stop?


no the first guy is saying "could you please stop doing that" the other guy then asks "why do you want me to stop doing it?" then the first guy says "could you just please stop doing that"

Problem is unless you speak the glasga banter your not going to get the humour unfortunately, or you might but not all of it.


bungee316 is soon to pioneer the Glasgae tae the Civilised world Translator.

(No offense meant, i live in Aberdeen)


"Gonnae no dae that?" = "Going to Not do that??" = "Please dont do that?"

"How?" = "Why?" (This is just a wierd Scottish way of saying "Why" :))

"Just... Gonnae no...." = "Just... Going to not?" = "Just dont do it again!"

Being Scottish myself, and knowing that the way we speak can be really hard for others to understand, and our hard accents dont help either (I speak often with Americans and Canadians and they often have trouble understanding my accent)

But I hope this helps anyway!


thanks everyone!!
