Arch Catholic bashing

No Western moviemaker has ever had the nerve to make a film that is such a scathing denunciation of Christianity, especially in its Catholic form, as has Norifumi Suzuki in this film.
Although this film had very exaggerated scenes, it nevertheless managed to turn the tables on Catholicism to turn it into the maligned victim much like Catholicism did for 17 centuries to others.
Although a very small minority in Japan, Catholics there are always trying to impose their ideas on the larger majority population, just as they used to do in Sri Lanka back in the '60s.
I'm sure William Donohue, president of the Catholic League hasn't heard of this film, because if he had seen it, I'm sure he'd try to ban it, if it didn't give him a fatal heart attack first.


I have to say the blasphemous scenes were delicious. Guy getting impaled with a pocket-crucifix... Ouch.
