Guy-cry movies.

Anyone know some movies that could make a guy cry? I only know a few, and here they are (I've seen all of these movies by the way)

1. Bridge to Terebithia

2. Fireproof

3. Facing the Giants

4. Flywheel (now that's a tearjerker)!

5. Disney Pixar's Up.


I cried at "Almost Famous", because I was the geeky smart kid in high school, and I always wanted the girl that everyone else did.

Also, "Dad" movies get me. I guess I got Father/Son issues. I even teared up a bit at the scene between Brandon Routh and his son in "Superman Returns".

Guys cry at movies, they just cry at different stuff.

I guess the meek can inherit the Earth now. It looks like the stupid aren't doing anything with it.



Lion king
