Logic in these movies?

I liked the first movie very much, because i understood it. He injected the "life-fluid" into dead body, and it lived but it went crazy and agresive. Later he tried injectind this fluid in to several parts and the body didn't go crazy (althought the head was seperated from the body). In the end he died, but lived again in second part.

In this, second part, the bride of the re-animator he like forgot how he did it? And was trying to find out how again..and he did. He ijected it into he heart and it worked again.

But now in the third part everything's a mess. He catches this so-called "soul". Experiments with it, and it works again. How come that mexican guy, who had only upperbody wasnt crazy? It obviously worked with him no problem.

Ok, what i'm trying to say... to the first one i give it 8/10, to he second and third i give it 1/10



Yes pointing out Logic is kind of silly in horror movies but I will try to explain a little.

In Bride Dr. West was trying to fix the problem of the aggressiveness of the Re-Animates from the first film, his theory was using parts instead of a whole. In Beyond his quest was still to have the Re-Animates be just like living people his new theory involved electro pulse which would restore balance to the cells.

Of course the whole two soles inside one body is far fetched but it is a horror comedy movie. No more far fetched that A decapitated head being able to talk or A finger eyeball creature being able to consciously move without a brain.


i think the biggest logical problem in this one is 'hey this guy is a psycho whose zombie killed my sisiter and now i devote my entire life to working with him so that i can reanimate more corpses adn kill more people!!!' i thought the kid was going to like torture adn kill the dr, not help him!

i wanna see what your inside look like
i bet your not f@*$en pretty on the inside


Another irrationality in this regard is There was a nurse dressed in a thin white dress showing her breasts. Under her thin white dress was just a bra and panties and walked around the prison.
