Rub One Out?

possibly the funniest but most disturbing and disgusting song i've eva heard!



Agreed.I remember singing it mindlessly not knowing what it really meant..haha.

Dude,Mieke's hideous RUN!


I think that the moms of young teens would be more freaked out if the lyrics to "U + U + ME (Together We Make Three)" actually caught their attention! Especially the line about "You do each others' makeup -- and SO MUCH MORE!!!"

- mnw

(Ummm... Pardon me -- seeing as I am an adult male, I think I'd better go post somewhere else right now, like on a pro wrestling forum or something like that...)


They did have some very dirty lyrics. The entire 2gether Again CD was very very dirty.

Then there's the line "in case we break-up, can I still have sex with you?" Gotta love it. Oh how I miss my boy band crazed teenage years.

"How could you even think about hardwiring the Backstreet Boys into my brain, you evil, evil man!"



Oh wow. I remember blasting this song at my friend's house. And her parents were very religious, which looking back wasn't the smartest thing to do. Of course, we were 10-11 and didn't know what it ment, we just thought the "grab my crotch" part was funny because they said "crotch", lol.

Actually, listening to these songs now, I'm catching a lot of stuff that I didn't know about then. I can't believe my parents let me listen to them, much less have an obsession!


When this originally aired *and for quite some time after, including last week* I was singing "Rub One Out." When I first heard it I thought it was a weird song and then I realized the....ick factor of it. But that was the point. The boy bands could be having girls sing about sex and...self pleasure to the top of their lungs, not realizing what the song was really about

DANCE TEACHER: I think we should go to the barre.
LUCY:Oh good cause I'm awful thirsty.


