Is it true

That guy that had cancer or something in the movie really did have cancer and he died?


In the movie Q.T. had a fake disease called "bilary thombosis" or something similar. In real life he did die, but I'm not exactly sure what it was from. I know he had health problems for most of his life and I think when he died he had just had surgery and was back in his hospital room when his lungs collapsed. But again, I'm not exactly sure.


Michael Cuccione(Jason QT McKnight) fought two bouts of Hodgkin's lymphoma(which is a like cancer, but its not) throughout his childhood and won, but with all the treatment and chemotherapy, it only left him with 60% lung capacity. He was fine, but during the taping of the 2nd season of 2gether the series, cast and crew members remembered that he had an oxygen tank because of breathing complications. due to that, he only was shown in three episodes of the second season. around December 2000 he was put in the hospital because of ammonia... then a month later he passed away due to breathing problems from the complications of the hodgkins disease.


wow, that is so sad.


he had pneumonia. not ammonia. ammonia is a cleaning product.


wow, 60% lung capacity and he could belt out some tunes better than i can.

<(*@*)> ôink


was that the good Hodgskins?

anyone anyone?

maybe that was in bad taste


was that really supposed to be a joke? come on were talking about someone who died, jokes are so inapropriate on a board like this.


well there is no good hodgskins, there's hodgskins and there's cancer.

So you could say it was the good hodgskins.

That episode was hilarious. I love Larry David

"Buy the ticket, take the ride."


lymphoma??? how serious is lymphoma?


i get it. I thought it was funny.

c.y.e. season 4


Ammonia can kill you as easily as pneumonia, though!

What I don't understand is when doctors diagnose you as having a "pre-cancerous condition". This has happened to my girlfriend and older relatives and it's apparently very tragic, but to me it sounds like the doc is saying "I'm terribly sorry to have to tell you this, but the fact is, you do not have cancer at this time."

Well, BOO HOOOO!!!

- mnw

(Seriously, it sucks that "QT" is dead; it double-sucks that 2gether is therefore also dead; and it triple-sucks that so many "real" bands who are like 2-gether but are terminally lame, continue to walk the earth!*)

*I was kinda paraphrasing Bill Hicks there - and he is ALSO dead!


BTW: Are any of you people fans of DEV2.O? You'll like them if you like 2-gether! See:

There's lotsa free video downloads there, etc.


ammonia... haha you retard...
