my theory of what happened

JonBenet was wetting the bed from all the stress mom caused her and her mom was getting tired of it. and also a neighbor heard a child scream around 12:30am that night. she thought it came from the Ramsey's house but looked outside her window n thought it might have just been the TV since the lights were out.
now i believe that since JonBenet got home sleeping and her parents put her in bed, she did not have the chance to use the bathroom.
she wet the bed n went to wake up her mom.
her mom could have been cranky because she was tired and grabbed the paint brush and hit JonBenet with it. JonBenet had a fractured skull and i think her mom might have hit her too hard. She went to wake up her husband, told him what happened and they tried to cover it up by making it look like a kidnap.



i dont know if you have seen the paint brush but its not a small little one... its a big thick one and a person using all force on a child is able to do some damage to their head.
the brush was broken into 3 pieces and only two pieces were found. the third one, the one that had that metal thing, was not found. i think it could have been hidden because it might have something like her hair or something on it.
and have you even seen the photos of her fractured skull? because the shape of the crack is able to be made with something shaped like the paint brush...




Firstly, i would love for you to list the 'mountain of evidence" that points towards an intruder. If you could list even 5 that would be a start, and probably a hard task for you i know. Secondly if you could answer the following questions that would be great.

1. If your child has been kidnapped during the night and the ransom note stated that if you talked to anyone about it, your child would be beheaded, would you then call 5 friends over? Think about this carefully, having your friends there would be good for you since your going through something so awful but your child being beheaded kinda out weighs your needs at the moment in time, no?
What would a innocent person have done?

2. Your child has just been kidnapped, you go on a search around the house, you see a window open in the basement, you close it and instead of running up and telling the police upstairs that you may have found something important to your daughters kidnapping, you dont say a word!
What would a innocent person have done?

3. Your child has just been kidnapped and killed, the intruder could have likely used the phone within the house to call someone, we could look into the phone records and if they did we could finally have a solid lead - the Ramseys refused t0 hand over phone records.
What would a innocent person have done?

I'm interested about the "fresh finger" print you talked about as i have never heard about this, unless your thinking of the palm print in the basement that was later found to be Melinda Ramseys?


Charlie, I'd like you to refer me to the book/webpage about how to react when your child has been kidnapped from their bed? Thanks.

You just lost The Game


Your post is not very say the least.


The Ramsays have not been totally cleared, they just never were able to prove that they did it, because the police screwed up the case.

I believe that they did do it, like the other poster said I think they may have beat her too hard maybe not meaning to kill her, but then panicked when they relized they did kill her and made up that phoney letter and everything.

Alot of things don't make sense. They had an alarm system and never used it? Why? They lived in a expensive house, cleary they were quite well off, and they say there hardly ever use the alarm? How stupid is that.

Also,"the kidnapper" letter asks them for money or they will kill thier daughter yet they don't even wait for they money they just go ahead and kill her.

Another thing, the father just happen to know exactly where she was when the police came? and they found the mother's fingerprints on the window if you remember, and the handwitting also matched the mother's handwritting. They also didn't want them to do an obtopsy and they wanted her buried way out in another town, no where near them?

Last, do you notice how the mother always refers to her daughter as "That child" everytime I see her on a talk show or anything.Is that how you talk about ur baby, especially who was murdered? You would say "my baby" or at least "my daughter" you would not reffer to them as "that child" if you loved them, especially after they were killed.

They may never be able to prove it, but I beleive they they in fact murder her.


Obtopsy? Jodi, stick to the hannah montana boards.

Cram it with walnuts, Ugly!



I agree the whole case is bizarre, and I am one of those who come right down the middle- I sit on the fence as to whether someone in the household committed the crime. I know that they are supposedly no longer suspects according to the previous D.A., but I've heard some quite logical arguments that they should still be considered suspects.

Whatever one thinks about who did it, that ransom letter is just about the strangest thing I've ever read, whether it was written by Patsy Ramsey or an outside intruder.


Actually all of the Ramsey family WAS cleared by the police in 2008 in a public apology letter. The DNA does not match any Ramsey and is believed to come from a Hispanic male. The Ramseys did not kill JB. Only tabloids continue to bring up unscientific theories every year.


There are endless theories out there- this is one of the most baffling cases anywhere, anytime- why would an intruder leave a long, rambling ransom note, then abuse and kill his victim without ever collecting the ransom?

Seems only a family member could have done it- yet new DNA points to an unknown male intruder.

I don't think anyone's theory can really explain what happened that night- only the killer, if he is still alive- knows what happened.


I agree. It's highly unlikely that we'll ever know what really happened to her, which is a complete shame. The boulder police department failed Jonbenet.

Personally, I want to believe that an intruder did it... but I have some serious reservations. None of them concern the Ramsey's behavior. My personal experience is that people can be very unpredictable when faced with difficult situations.

My biggest WTF moment: Why would an intruder have taken her to the basement at all? Assuming that an intruder actually intended on taking Jonbenet out of the house alive.. why go through the basement? That may have been the intruders point of entry, but i've seen crime scene photos and a video showing the entry to the basement. There is a small gate over the area leading into the basement that must first be lifted for access. There's only a 10-14 inch gap between the window and the concrete holding off the earth. It would have been much easier (and far more logical) to take JB out through a door instead of lifting her up through the basement window and then up through the bars.. all while I assume Jonbenet would have been screaming/frantically trying to get away. It has always been my belief that something MUST have happened between the trip from JB's room to the basement that sealed the deal and the intruder had to go ahead and kill her. Otherwise, there's no logic in leaving behind the ransom note when it's just one more thing that the police can potentially connect back to him.

I can only offer theories.. but I know one thing for sure; The Ramsey's loved JB and if they did do it, it was an accident that spiraled out of control.

Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh


"it was an accident that spiraled out of control."

Yes, but even if the Ramseys did do it, and it was an accident that spiraled out of control, that doesn't mean there was not abuse as well. For example, Dr. Cyril Wecht, one of the nation's leading forensic pathologists, wrote a book on the subject theorizing that Jon Benet's death was a case of sexual asphyxiation that went too far, and that her head was later smashed to make it look like an intruder came in.

It is certainly not impossible for an intruder to come in. For example, Polly Klaas and Elizabeth Smart are two examples where young girls who were abducted from their homes while their parents were in the house sleeping. However, in both of those cases, the intruder came, grabbed their victim, and left quickly.

In the JonBenet case, you have to believe either the intruder came in before the Ramseys arrived home from a Christmas Party that night and spent several minutes or perhaps hours writing and re-writing a ransom note or, even less plausible, after he killed JonBenet he sat down to write several drafts of the note.
While it is not impossible that there could be a psycho so unconcerned about getting caught that he would sit in the house writing this weird note, it certainly has not been seen in any other case of which I am aware.

So I still think someone in the house is more likely to have committed the act. But, like you, I hope someday we do find out that it was an intruder, and that JB did not suffer the ultimate betrayal of being killed by a family member.


Maybe he didn't think they would find the body, or maybe he wrote the note before he killed her. I think he killed her on accident and had already written the ransom note.


But if that was the case, why use the ransom note at all?

Respect what you have 🌌


Throw them off, you realize their house was a tour house and strangers walked through there. It would be easy for some creep to break in. They probably weren't door locking people. I had lots of neighbors like that.

reply actually think that the mother whacked her over the head with a paintbrush just because she was cranky about JonBenet waking her up? She didn't just have a fractured skull, she had also been strangled and raped.

Respect what you have 🌌



For the longest time, I thought it was the mom too until I watched the recent episode of Dateline on NBC channel. There was unknown blood DNA on JonBenet's body that did not belong to Patsy or John. JonBenet told some people that she was going to recieve a special visit from Santa Clause the night of Christmas. She never told her parents about it why? Maybe because the special Santa Clause did not want to be caught and told her to not say anything!!! Here's what I think what happened. The day of Christmas Eve, the Rasmeys had a Christmas party for the children in the neighborhood. The guy who played Santa Clause approached Jon Benet and told her he would pay a special visit to her. On Christmas Day, he snuck into the house before they came home that night; maybe several hours before? That gave him plenty of time to write the note, get his weapons ready and waited until they got home. Once they came home and waited until they went to bed, he went into her room, hit on the head a flashlight when she was sleeping, she woke up after a little while of being unconscious and screamed; a neighbor heard the scream. He didn't want anyone to hear her so he changed his plans and killed her in the basement. The police did question this Santa Clause but they never got samples of his DNA; they concluded that since he had heart surgery in the month of August, he would have been too weak to kill JonBenet...makes no sense because JonBenet was small and tiny. It wouldn't have taken that much effort. Also one thing that gives me the chills is that this Santa Clause came to her funeral and spoke at her funeral. Several people who attended the funeral felt uncomfortable with his comments about JonBenet. I feel that the police should have investigated him further; it feels all too fishy to me....


Good theory. So why don't they get a DNA sample from him now? Unless he's gone and cremated. Yea they messed up this case.
 


Burke did it.


I've never paid much attention to this case, and I really wanted to believe the intruder theory. But I just can't get past that ransom note - it looks so much like the mother's writing. Plus if a sex offender killed this child, why stick around and write a long ransom note? Wouldn't he want to get the heck out of there as quickly as possible?

It really appears there was a coverup. I don't think anyone intended to kill JonBenet. I think either the mother accidentally did it in a rage over the bedwetting (maybe her head got shoved into the bathtub), or else Burke did it, not realizing how dangerous head blows could be. In either case, the parents covered it up. It hurts me to say this, because I really wanted it to be an intruder. No way to really know though.
