Kicked in the Fun Center

Just got the DVD set great show!!! Just got the the show where they went to the Family Fun Center the Daughter said to the guy in the bunny suit leave me alone or I will kick you in your fun center. I fell off the couch hearing that... The people that canceled this show should be kicked in the fun center....

Anyone else think that line in the show was funny?


it was funny, but the best line for me is when the devil creates the flowers in the episode 'its lonely at the top' and at the end theyre chasing him in hell and he says "I can't believe my own creations have turned against me!" and smeg says "we can discuss the irony of that later, sir!" My lil sis and I nearly wet ourselves with that one!



I think my favourite part would be...well, any conversation between Lucifer and Smeck, really. But especially the bit where they're in the car watching Bob on the big TV; "You do know this isn't going any further...?" "I meant it in a fraternal way, sir."

And the bit where Smeck drops the soap in the bathtub. He tries to get it and gets a hold of...well, something else entirely...

Duo Maxwell: [On suffocation] Oh, this is such a lame way to die. This is so not cool!
