Toby ( spoiler)

ok was anyone else really upset when toby killed himself? i really like jonathan jackson and he was the reason i bought this movie and i watched it last night and i was like damn he died! but it was a pretty good movie i liked it
I Love Hayden Christensen!!!!


Not to sound dorky but i cried. And then afterwards when Cillian is crying I was like No!! Don't cry!!.

i'm such a loser.

Great-Valium. Not only will we be able to sleep; if we're attacked in the night we wont even care


i know that was so sad but here is the part that gets me is that it looks like Toby drove the car off a lil him type thing and the car cought fire and he died but yet Jonathan can drive his car off a cliff and come out with a broken pinky and thats it come on now there something messed up about that whole thing

I Love Hayden Christensen & Cillian Murphy!!!!!


Fate sucks eh? But Cillian was in an open convertible without a seat belt, just going with the moment of depression and Jonathon was in that crap kicker of a car WANTING to die. All a act of opportunity and circumstance.

That, and the writers thought it would be a good story. And I have to agree.

Great-Valium. Not only will we be able to sleep; if we're attacked in the night we wont even care


if you read the other board (ok im confused can someone help me?) and you will understand why toby kills himself... if you understand it during the movie it's just a beatiful moment, toby makes a goodbye to jonathan before he drives his car over that cliff...


yeah but me and vamp here are speculators and we like to talk...a lot...
Anyways, I read the board too before i posted here. She was just wondering why. i think...what was i talking about?

Great-Valium. Not only will we be able to sleep; if we're attacked in the night we wont even care


well i know why he killed himself he couldnt take it anymore u know all the guilt etc... i was just sad that he killed himself

I Love Hayden Christensen & Cillian Murphy!!!!!



I liked Toby, he was sweet and I'm sad he died. My favorite scene in the movie is when him and Jonathan are running away from those bar pricks.

To the victor goes the spoils
-Saw 3 Oct. 27


To be honest, I was not really sad when he killed himself because as soon as they talked about the pact, I thought that at least one of them was actually going to do it, and for some reason I knew it would be Toby.

One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires



You knew someone had to die, and Johnathan Breech was the main character, so he wasn't going anywhere. And breech wasn't really *beep* up like the others. It was necessary for breech to see how people are really messed up, and that he needed to snap out of it. When Toby cried in the car, telling breech of his loss of his brother, it was heartwrenching, and a fabulous performance on jonathan jacksons part.

I too LOVED the scenes of them sneaking out...they were hilarious, and i really wanted them all to live and have a happy little life outside the hospital..but such is not life...
