Irish Eyes??????

Can anyone tell me when the song Irish eyes plays in this film? I have listened and listened but i dont think they added it on my version. Please help coz its driving me nuts! Anyone?


The song isn't in the movie. Jonathan Jackson wrote it, inspired by the film, but it never was actually part of the movie's soundtrack.

It's a beautiful song. It used to be available on Jonathan's website.

Go to his band's myspace page ( and maybe request him to upload the song. That is probably your best bet.


Thanks! Pease of mind at last. Ill try the myspace method. Cheers.


why then I can hear it on this trailer at 06:58?


that isn't a trailer..its a clip from the movie...

i too was wondering about the song, as i haven't ever heard it.


I can't hear any song at 6:58.
