Tricia Vessey

Did anyone else not really like her? I mean, shes a good actress but there was just something off...I don't think she and Cillian had any chemistry whatsoever.

I never met a man I couldn't blame.


And why was she cast with an AMERICAN accent????


Uhm...because she is American....

Men are like pennies; two-faced and worthless


Indeed, her parents are survivors of the Jonestown Massacre/Mass Suicide.



I just saw the film and I think they had a good chemistry, just look how cillian looked at her with those gorgeous eyes, I swear if he did that to me I could die happy.


when i first saw the film, i thought the same thing. she isn't your typical hollywood type..but the more i watched it, the more i came to love her in films and in this role. She is a great actress. Try watching her in "trouble every day" .....that movie will leave you with nightmares!


I have to agree with the majority here. I like her as an actress and I liked the way she portrayed HER character in this film....but, I agree that there was no chemistry b/n her and Cillian's character. The lines tell you that they are attracted to one another, but you'd never guess it if you were to watch without the sound. It was kind of strange. Maybe they didn't like each other in real life? LOL


No, I agree completely. Not saying she isn't a good actress, but I really didn't care for her character at all and I didn't want to see the two of them together


Yea, it's funny someone brought this topic up. I noticed it too. Just something really subtle in Cillians body language in some scenes that made me wonder if he didn't get on with her very well. I first noticed it in the scene where he's sitting on the bench outside and she walks up to him to ask him to come to her room later. Arms crossed-he pulls his whole body away as she comes closer. I wondered if she'd done something to piss him off before that scene. And then wondered if alot of the movie was shot out of sequence and during the filming something weird happened between them.

I loved the movie tho. One of my favorites of Cillians...
