Song during party?

I'm trying to find the EXACT song that was played during the party when they show the record player or stereo.. can't really remember that part, but I need the song for my wedding. It's the one that sounds like a 60's game show theme.

The closest song I can find is Herb Albert- Whipped Cream, but it's certainly not the same one.

Does anyone know the name of that song???



Do believe it's this

What I gather from that and YouTube is that it's The Spanish Flea by Herb Albert.


OMG Thank you!! I was digging through the topics and couldn't find anything on it...


Welcome :]


Thank you from me too! i love this song!

"I'm not from these parts. From a little place called England-we used to run the world before you."


hahaha-i LOVE that song too, and it was one i was dying to find out the name of, as it isn't listed on the soundtrack. Luckily I ran into someone who had told me, and its on my ipod, and people always say "what in the hell is this song?" I love it! this film has the best soundtrack in my opinion. Next is InterMission!


Love that song too. One of my favorite scenes in the movie, even with what it's suggesting at the end.
