Do not waste your time

Just a typical "disaster on a plane" movie, filled with tons of cheese.

John the pilot is ok, George "Doogie Howser's dad" is solid, Maggie the flight attendant is excellent, the rest of the cast and I mean EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM is horrible. Even Ernie Hudson phone's this one in with a tin can.

The dialog when the gymnast and hottie meet on the plane and every word they say throughout the movie is puke worthy.

"Emily" the co=pilot, I do not know her name, I call her Emily because she dated Brandon on "90210" is so bad you ask yourself "how in the world has she ever had an acting job, EVER?" That's how bad her performance was, and THIS IS NOT A JOKE, Kim Kardashian acted better in "Disaster Movie" than what Emily did in this movie.

The sequence with Ernie Hudson telling John to cut the wire. I cannot explain it, but it made me laugh instead of what I think the director was trying to convey. It ends up on Ernie's mouth saying "CUT IT CAPTAIN, CUT THAT WIRE, NOW" ...... and then there is like 30 different shots in the next 15 seconds of wobbly plane, captain fumbles wire cutter, captains face, captain's wife concerned face, traffic controller, wobbly plane, radar screen, concerned Emily, shaking passengers (they should have inserted the Airplane "she's starting to shake, she's starting to shimmy" here), John getting cutters, John's face, wires, concerned pilot's wife hand through hair, time left 9 seconds and ticking, pilot's face, cutter on wires, more ticking 7 6, pilot's face, pilot's wife staring in desperation, more ticking, pilot's face, cutter on wires, George turns to look at Emily, Emily turns to look at George, more ticking, Ernie Hudson's face looking up towards nothing, pilot's face, AND THEN FINALLY clip......... the wires have been cut. funny stuff.

and then this caught me as funny

When the Australian agent and the FBI dude walk into the pub and ask "did he leave anything behind?" The bartender responds "Just his cell phone" and the Aussie says "There's nothing here"
NOTHING HERE, you were just handed his cell phone. If you see this scene you'll know how bad it played out. It's laughably bad.

Those are just a few examples of the bad. There's more. Pretty much the whole movie has bad scenes like these.

I know there are many that will like this movie and think it is intense and well acted, I did not see the movie this way. I have to believe that people that find this movie well acted and intense, just haven't seen many movies.

This movie was a 3/10 for me.

Do not waste your time. Go rent Airplane instead.
