Sad Seen!!

any one here found it sad when Ryuuichi {Riki Takeuchi} brother gave is life to save him from getting shot. this movie had many thing and more but i did not know it had that kind of scene in this movie well done mister Miike.


One of the scenes I thought was very sad was when the cops car exploded with his wife and daughter.

I never saw it coming, really hit me hard which is unusual.


Sorry found both these scenes cliche - loss of the innocent seems to be an over used theme. Personally I felt it was sences like this that made the film below average


The idea of on-screen character losing a loved one may be somewhat over-used... but it can still be effective if done properly, which I felt was accomplished in both scenes... Jojima's family in particular. Just a heart-wrenching scene, as it seemed as if things were finally beginning to mend between Jojima and his wife & daughter.


So people cant die in movies without it being cliche? Damn man, horror movies are screwd!
