Colouring of DoA 3

I recently bought a copy of this film on DVD here in Finland. To my great astonishment the overall tone of colour was more or less bright yellow. When asked, the retailer told me another astonishing piece of news: "Yellow toning is a common feature in Japanese films"; the importer informed me that "The director wanted to emphasize the futuristic aspect of this film with different couloured filters" [or words to that affect].
What is your view in this matter? (Pun intended...)


I think your retailer is telling you crap. I think its about your dvdplayer or something, because i don't remember any yellowish colour on the film. If the region code don't mach your player or something.


I haven't seen DOA 3, but I have seen the trailer for it. Most of the trailer seemed to have a yellow tint to it, with the exception of the grayscale scenes.


I saw DoA 3 on television a year ago, and as I recall it did have a yellow tint to it. I think it's intentional though--to get that weird future look on a relatively low budget.

The word "overrated" is overrated.


Yeah I think it was to make it seem FROM THE FUTURE! But as far as it being a feature in japanese films...I've never seen that before, except for I think the Returner.

*gasp* OH-MY-GOD! *roll credits* GENIUS!


what he told you was true...
