Sexy or is it just me?

Is it wrong that I find a brutal, homosexual, jewish, cockney gangster really sexy? I think Mark Strong's sexy as hell anyway but I don't know... I've just got a feeling that this is wrong somehow.


im a man and i find tem sexy!
i felt like doing al of teem.


Well, if he wasn't charming, charismatic and sexy, as well as nasty and brutal, he wouldn't be such a complex character and the series wouldn't have worked, would it?

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


(really late reply...but who cares?)

Nope. Though I admit, when I was first watching this (as in, last night) and saw that Strong's character was homosexual, I thought, "Aw. Well isn't that a bummer?" And yet, because it is Mark Strong, he was still sexy as hell.

And all that's easily remedied by a good imagination anyway. =D

"I shall slip unnoticed through the darkness like a dark, unnoticable slippy thing."
