monica lopez is hot

I first saw this film on Sundance a few months ago and I was surprised that I would endure this subtitled film. Granted, Max Von Sydow is still classic and an underrated, veteran actor...but the beauty of Monica Lopez kept me interested.

Anyone agree? What is it about her?


She's sensuous.She's hot without having to get all dolled up. She has natural beauty. I've never seen anything else of hers. What's good? Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


Before I looked up the cast, I thought she was Jorja Fox!

(I'm just a bear of very little brain - what's your excuse?)


You mean that chick from CSI? Do you think that she's hot? I don't trust no girls who are vegetarians! I don't see the resembelance between ML and JF myself. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


I tend to think ALL women are hot in one way or another...

(I'm just a bear of very little brain - what's your excuse?)


Wow,what a answer. I don't have the same view that you do about womans beauty. Some women are not that good looking. Or,just plain ugly. I'm a guy. I'm superficial that way. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


You're young - as you get older you discover that, while all cats are gray after midnight, there is still infinite, wait, that just sounds silly!

(I'm just a bear of very little brain - what's your excuse?)


I guess being 50. And being on the verge of 51,in Seattle,makes me a youngster. P.S. You can't change ugly! Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


Yep, I'm afraid it does...

(I'm just a bear of very little brain - what's your excuse?)


You're always right,Damn! That "of very little brain" tag is just a ruse. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


Of course I am, you whippersnapper you...

(Politicians and taglines, like diapers, should be changed often...and for the same reason.)


she is very hot, she isnt the model type, or particularly that good looking, but she came of as very sensuous and hot.

"Everybody knows you never go full retard" - Kirk Lazarus

