Fridge full of BS

How about that fridge full of cocaine? Its just a movie to have rappers to show how tough they are. I think they just show how dumb they are. Idiots.


Your opinion is TOTALLY biased. I thought the movie was great. I admit that the fridge full of coke was a little over the top, but it added to the atmosphere of them pushing heavy weight.....that's slang for selling tons of drugs. Anyways, this is one of the best "hood" movies ever made.


I think of all the "hood movies" I saw, this was the worst one. There was definitely some bad acting going on. I like movies about gangs and everything but this was not good. But that's my opinion and its not biased. I have seen movies to compare. No offence.



...And, this my friends, is why White on Black Racism exists. The insecurities of the American White Male. The "Tough" comment says it all.
