I demand a recut

I think the series was actually decent. It had it's heart in the right place, with an emphasis on the human Murphy, a much darker and more brutal setting than anything since Robocop 2, a very good interaction between Murphy/Cable and Between Damian/Sara Cable, plus hilarious newscasts and ads. Caydick, was really slimy too.
Just a pity that all this was drowned out by enourmous ammounts of inane chatter, and inferior, drawn-out actions sequences.

What is boils down to, is that a trimming of the action and talk, could've slimmed this down to about two hours, or maybe a two-parter. They had minutes they didn't know what to do with, and that was the main problem.


Totally agree. What is it, 6 hours, right? If it was 3.5 it'd be a lot better. I am very interested in making an edit now. If I had the dvds.


A new edit wouldn't fix the poor acting (acting wasnt bad, just not good) bad story, poor writing, fat old robocop, the fact that there is a blackocop or any of the other problems...

What a crazy nation of socialist republics that are together in a federation, of craziness




After 4.5 years, here you go: http://youtu.be/z5GBlCeeRmc


Not available :/


As excited as I was to get 4 new mini-movies of RoboCop, indeed, it should be recut. Those flashbacks in the first episode slow the pacing to a crawl, and there are way too many of them in one episode.
