Different version

When this game first came out, I didn't get it because I was sure my computer wouldn't be able to run it.

Since then I got a new computer, but I'd forgotten about it until its sequel came out.

So I went looking for it. But where do you find a seven year old game?

eBay, of course. And yes, it didn't take me long to track down a copy. I bought, it arrived, and it worked. But big was my surprise when I found out it's a version dubbed in Dutch!

The information on eBay had stated that the game was in Dutch, but I thought it would be subtitles, like with any other game.

At least they're not the irritating, often high-squeaky voices like the ones in cartoons. You can actually understand what they're saying. They talk like normal people. Does make me wonder how the original sounds, though.



I don't doubt it. I didn't even know they did that, dubbing games. Those Dutch must really be obsessed with the technique. The French do it as well: I've been looking for a copy of the original Silent Hill on PSone, but all I can find are French versions. Luckily in Flanders we keep the originals.

"There's a difference between simply being, and knowing you are."

