Girl from cosby show

Do any of you remember an episode where a girl from the cosby show (I think Rudy) was on there and she was crazy, talking about wanting a baby and stuff? It was so funny and I was trying to see if there was any info on that, possibly a clip to show mt friends?


Keisha Knight Pulliam (Rudy) was never on Blind Date.

I always tell the truth even when I lie Tony Montana (Scarface)


The actress who played Rudy was on blind date about 3-4 years ago, and she did act nutty though i can't remember the details. The guy who dated her didn't want a second date.


are you talking about the girl who kept hollering 'i want some pork rinds'?? in that case, it was some girl who was on 'in the house' with ll cool j for 2 seasons.


Gabrielle Carmouche is her name.

I always tell the truth even when I lie Tony Montana (Scarface)


wow she is a porn star now lol, go figure..


Oh, I always thought the girl was Jaime Foxworth.. Who became pornstar CRAVE later on... She was acting weird that entire date.. She later appeared on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew which explained it all... But the other one looks like her too.. weird.
