
I saw this film at the Seattle International Film Festival. The director and producer(I believe) were there. They said that to secure home video distribution the movie was filmed in color, but blacknwhiteitized for theatrical run. I think it's amazing in B & W but think it would be cool to also see it in color. I stood up and suggested they release a DVD with both versions and they were surprised; it never occurred to them. Imagine my surprise it was on VHS at Hollywood video, and in the B&W! I was so surprised because they said they only had a deal for color. Anyway, this film is great- Patrick Warburton should star in everything ever-and it should be on DVD, blu-Ray, laserdisc, beta and VHS. Someone needs to get this done- it's so brilliant! I've been wanting it for over 10 years in both versions, and so apologize for the lengthy post!


I concur with your comments - hope they do that, with the two versions on DVD! Warburton rocks!

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.
