
sorry, i found this to be boring. the story didn't bring me in what so ever. there didn't seem to be much emotion from most of the characters. I know this isn't supposed to be "shakespeare" or anything and i have said this before, but you can't build a movie around effects. I found the gore to be entertaining but everything else was bland. I believe this could have had a much bigger following with a better story. (re-animator/dead alive/imprint) come to mind when i think of gorefests with good solid stories.

Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO".
Peter, those are Cheerios.


I agree. This film just didn't do it for me. It was definitely bland. Japanese films are often a slow burn, but it is usually worth the patience for the reward. But here it just never came. It was basically a silly story mixed in with a few gory scenes. Very little profundity here. It's definitely no Sono or Miike film.
