This is one Twisted Movie

but very well done

8 out of 10

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn

reply intelligent gore film...very some of the gorehounds didnt know what hit them blew my head clean off when i saw it...ive got The Bedroom by the same director as well...a sex film with really strange scenes...

"Gran'pa was always tha best...."


i just bought this film and got it in the mail yesterday, im pretty hyped about it, and am going to watch it friday night with a couple of fellow gorehounds...cant wait

-Wyatt T.

Nice Tuxedo...Nice Tuxedo to DIE in!!!-Bowler


I agree, the gore effects were very well done in this film. It really was disturbing how realistic some of the self-mutilation scenes appeared. That's not easy to pull off.
