Hateful and Sexist

There is no achievement in sexual equality to be brought about by what's called positive discrimination. This programme proports to address a balance but in reality it is denigratory and counter-productive. It is no more acceptable for a bunch of women to expressing anti-male views, that it would be for a group of men to do the opposite. If this group want to genuinely address the inequalities that they have to address their own issues, be they that of divorce of cheating partners or abandonment, rather than use daytime tv as a forum for bile and thinly veiled self-loathing.
All they actually seem to put forward is the out-moded and negative view of men as uncontrolled sexual animals and themselves as the put-upon victims, and also the badly-judged idea that to compete with these imagined beasts one has to behave like them.
Everything about this type of thinking and its sexist generalisations is actually a retardant to progress, and this programme will only assist in putting forward the view of the divorcee as a spiteful harpy and fuelling male sexism.
This programme is a golden opportunity for some vivid debate and positivity, unfortunately it comes across like a reunion of stereotypical Carry-On movie female/spousal characters.

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


You couldnt be more wrong.


oh yes I could...

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


You've got to agree that a lot of the presenters on this programme have cracking jugs, in a non-sexist way, of course.


You apparently have a fetish for bitter divorcees.......

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


with cracking jugs


Cracking??? like a decrepit old building????

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


Nope, as in toast


Toast, as in what you do to old, dry, stale bread, in a vain attempt to make it palatable??

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


Nope, as in Wallace and Grommit


blobby shapeless plastic caricatures???

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


No, of course not, that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it ?


Ridiculous... hmm, that's a word that seems appropriate in relation to the programme alright....

It's useful to be in the NRA when you're planning a shotgun wedding....


I call the show slack women.


I was so sad when that robot got left on the moon. But then he got to go skiing on its cheesy slopes.


I'm a woman aged 40 and yet I agree with the OP to a large degree.

Although I know men who like it (they are older men who like to see what women gossip about in toilet cubicles), I find it largely patronising towards men.

Even if the women on the panel are congratulating their men for something they do it in a very patronising way like 'Oh my husband is very good actually, bless him' but what man really wants his private life up for public persecution and for daily ridicule?

Colleen is the worse, arguably. She's always talking about Ray - that's if she isn't talking about Shane Ritchie who isn't any part of her life anymore aside from their children that they created. If I were him I'd be suing her.

If a panel of men were sat around being derogatory about their wives or indeed overtly sexual and making reference to their sex lives the whole time there would likely be hell to pay.





Several of the presenters IMO. Not quite sure about the madness, probably a little.


I agree, this show is a disaster. Who really wants to listen to a coven of unemployable tarts, screaming towards middle-age with the brakes cut, whitter on about nothing in particular?

I'd imagine every episode is the same: expect to hear how different the story would be if it were men that had babies - the whole human race would come to an end. And how rubbish are they in bed until they've been taught how to do it... bloody fumbling away at your bits, and sweet Jesus, are they complete babies when they're ill, or what!

What's even worse is, after every pathetic joke and puerile observation, one of the old crows will tip the audience an exaggerated wink and the army of insane old ladies, drafted in, no doubt, from London's shabbier care homes, cackle hysterically.... *shudder*


With cracking jugs


whats funny is the comment above about men when they are ill was made in 2009 and today 2011 im sat watching the show and what are they talking about ..... yes men being ill, i dont watch the show often at all but it just shows that they must just talk about the same crap over and over


The very same comment about men being ill, and having man-flu, was made today, 24th October 2012! These C U N-ext T-hursday-S really are something.


Agreed. This programme bugs me to the n-th degree!


My Mrs was watching at lunchtime today. I caught about 15 seconds of it; enough to hear this:

Blonde tart: I wouldn't mind being able to read my husband's thoughts. He doesn't have fully formed thoughts anyway.

The audience of pulsating estrogen went wild with laughter. I turned the TV off. Seriously, what kind of pathetic, pandering *beep* IS this!?

Yes, I shall certainly choose revolutionary France for my holiday again next year.


And yet it has just won an award!

Don't give me attitude,I have my own! lol


Well Boab The Fly is excitedly awaiting today's show. Aye I ken that I do every day likes but that's no the point hey?
Boab loves humself a cracking pair o' jubblies and any man who disnae like this show is a bufte.
How can ye- in all honesty- no like this show? It's full o' totty like.
Laids a men slag this show off. They either are weak, worn doon by they wives or ...buftes basically.
Boab jis watches it wi' the volume doon like though ye ken? I cannae be bothered wi' all that blatherin' aboot fannies and big knickers. I jis udo me troosers and settle doon for an hour of heaven wi' the racing on the radio likes.

While the chief puts sunshine on Leith I'll thank him for his work & your birth & my birth


If this show is supposed to be some kind of stalwart landmark in feminism then lets hope it is, as its just a few ageing flibbertigibbet barbies using daytime TV time who've never been good at anything besides talking, what a way to improve the image of women!.

