Terry Gilliam?

Terry Gilliam = thanks? (see the credits)


Paul Thomas Anderson too... Weird folks over at Blizzard.


There's alot of people like Jackie Chan, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Stanley Kubrick, Terry Gilliam, Michael Mann, James Cameron and alot of others. But dose anybody know why Martin Luther King is on there?????


not to mention Robert Heinlein.. who (like MLK) was long dead when this was started... my guess is they took inspirations from all the "thanks" people... books, speeches and what not



Knowing Blizzard, more likely.

But the Reavers were inspired the the Ohmu (Hayao's design for the Vallery of the Winds) so not everything is a joke... or maybe... yeah



It's not just a joke. They are a source of inspiration.

[insert signature(s)]


they were constantly listening to rage against the machine while producing the game too.
