Didn't like it...

I saw the DVD in English with subtitles, I recommend to see it in French with subtitles if you're gonna see this. The American dialogue is horrid and the kids voices hyper-annoying.

The way I see it is you "have" to get sucked into the characters to like this movie. This is definately more of a cult film, no mainstream audience would sit through this. I guess I just don't like this style "thriller". I felt the movie takes about 50 mins to really get started up and there's really no mystery or suspense. *SPOILER* I founded myself liking Harry, I wanted him to murder Michel's family so Michel could write a novel about Flying Monkeys (LOL). I watched this and "Blade Trinity" (Obviously a *beep* movie) this weekend. Harry was more entertaining.


What I liked about Harry was his Catalan accent.Once or twice he even says something in Catalan ("mierda", "me sento mal").I found this realistic, the director didn't try to hide his accent or to pretend it didn't exist.
