Song that plays over end credits

I worked at a moved theater that showed this film. I kept showing up in time for the end credits, and I always cleaned while some beautiful song was playing. I loved the song and was never able to figure out what it was. There is only one classical song listed in the soundtrack and I remember, for some reason, thinking that it wasn't the one I liked.
Am I wrong? If anyone can tell me, for certain, what song plays over the end credits, it would be a tremendous help.

"But, Mr. Grey- I'm your secretary!"


Sorry I can't help zeiko, just disappointed to see that not many people view this board. so thought a bump might help.

caught this on the 'I need to know' so bump

:o) If you're not mature enough for criticism, you're too immature for praise! :o)


Thanks, I appreciate it!

"Old hungers never die... they just fade away."


That was the operetta RAMONA throughout the film. It was the tape in Harry's car.


Yes, the song is Ramona, a popular song from 1920's, and it's sung by Dolores DelRio, who was a big movie star in Mexico and made some films in the US as well. (Believe it or not, she's singing in English, but her accent is so thick it's hard to tell.)


Dolores DelRio is the haunting singer in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, and sings "Crying" in Spanish. A Capella.

"When you throw dirt, you lose ground" --old proverb


No, that was Rebekah del Rio.


I don't come from hell. I came from the forest.
