This is a really bad movie

to watch with subtitles. I don't speak French, so I was relying on the subs, but there was so much that I could tell was Franco-dependent that I just couldn't get it. It seemed to me that there was a lot of subtlety and nuance in the dialogue that either didn't translate, or I couldn't keep up with reading the subtitles and watching the visuals, too. For example, I didn't get the "cold cream" joke at all, the punch line (in English) seemed to just come out of nowhere. I feel like I missed out.


And this makes it a bad movie? Just because you couldn't understand it?

You are speaking for yourself. Certainly not for me and others.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Stick to transformers, loud slow motion explosions and zombies so you don't have to think.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Perhaps the subtitles are better 3+years later, as I thought they were fairly accurate and detailed. I streamed from Netflix and really enjoyed this film with such rich character development.

Just so you know...the "cold cream" joke was subtitled in French as it was verbally delivered on screen. We, the audience, weren't really meant to understand it, since we came in toward the end; the punch-line was clearly meant to be tacky in order to convey the man's awkward and inappropriate social skills (especially at a restaurant); the irritated woman-of-interest calls it "toilet humor" and he apologizes. He was nervous while trying to jovially impress this new female friend whose own friends were diverse, hipster-like artists. By contrast, he was a business man with a chauffeur, bodyguard...and dusty social skills. Only one amiable guy heartily laughs, while the others politely smile and nod.

So it was an awkwardly lame joke, that generally wasn't very funny...or they may have not "gotten it" either. 

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
