Miss this show...

I really miss this show. It wasn't my favourite but I loved adventure/fantasy shows that seemed to be very popular in the late 90's. Hercules, Xena, Sinbad and Beastmaster were all fun shows but sadly none are no longer in production. I wish there was still a show on the air like this today.

Some people really seemed to hate this show because of the movies, or rather the first one. Why? I haven't seen the movies but this was a pretty good show.


I think Sinbad, was bad...but it was good Cheese...better than some shows...
Beast master was good...It had a trend that Xena And Hercules had it had "Hott" Female Guest stars each ep. lol
But good plot...it was interesting when Marc Singer would appear in eps.


All of them were a little bad but I grew up with them all and they entertained me during my teenage years. There needs to me more shows like this nowadays. :)


WE are lucky in Western Australia We have Beastmaster on saturday afternoons.


This program was a guilty pleasure of mine. So much so that I recently purchased all 3 DVD sets...they are very cheap now.

"All records are not made to be broken." -- Karl Malone


I recently just started watching a few episodes when I can (It comes on really early in the morning for me lol) I know my dad's cousin Dean worked on the first season, so it's always interesting to see what he's worked on! I really liked the show. Gotta miss the good ol' days huh? TV is starting to suck!


I too wish there were more shows like this on today, If I were in the field of movies/televsion these are definitely the genres I would be associated with. I wouldn't look for an oscar career, I would just want to make good fun entertainment.


Beastmaster is currently being presented on "Showcase:" it seems to keep coming back again and again.
