A blasphemous title!

To call the Blessed Virgin Mary "Mother of Jesus," as though she was not actually Mother of God is blasphemy! It is part of the heresy of Nestorius, who was condemned by a Synod compelled to assemble

by the canons and by the letter of our Most Holy Father and fellow-servant Coelestine, the Roman Bishop....

The very first anathematization of the Council of Ephesus states:

IF anyone will not confess that the Emmanuel is very God, and that therefore the Holy Virgin is the Mother of God (Theotokos), inasmuch as in the flesh she bore the Word of God made flesh: let him be anathema.

The producers of this movie and every else involved in it should be put to the question until they recant their heresy. It will be up to the wisdom of Holy Mother Church to determine if anyone can go to see Christian Bale as "Batman" without peril to their soul if he does not first recant.

It is good that we have Mel Gibson to set us straight about the Virgin Mary!


Mary was the mother of Jesus, who was the son of God.


You say that as if Jesus isn't immediately recognizable as being God.


Jesus isn't God. God was in heaven, while Jesus was on Earth. They are two separate beings.


different people have different beliefs about the God-head. not everyone sees Jesus and God as 2 beings. there are no verses in the Bible that use the word "trinity" in refrence to God or Jesus nor does any verse speak of Him as more than one being. if you'll allow me to use a couple examples to explain myself.... muslims have a god, his name is allah...buddists have a god, his name is buddah...christians have a God, His name is Jesus...
this was not ment to start a religion war...only to enlighten on others' views of our God. I don't expect you to necessarily agree with me, only understand that not everone sees God in the same way.
respectfully yours... a apostolic pentecostal (often seen as the opposite end of the spectrum as catholics)


Yes she was the mother of jesus and you are right when you say that the bible does not speak of them as seperate but indeed as one.
It say "I and the father are one"
But I am disturbed when you use buddhist and buddha as a parralell becouse buddha himself never professed to be a god and there is certainly no scripture in buddhist text that say this either, He was just a man born to hindu parents who went searching for more and come back with an altered view of the hindu faith.
Mahammad on the other other hand in regards to allah and muslims proffessed to be the one to come who was like moses except he fell slightly short,
1, he didn't preform any miracles
2, he never met God personally
3, Salvation never came through him to the multitude

Wher as clearlly in the case of Jesus Christ we see all these things are fullfilled therefor He can only be the risen saviour sent for the salvation of the world

In regards to the question of the trinity again you are right , the bible does not use this word but let me ask you a quastion
Is not the human being made up of three destinct parts
1, The Spirit (Life it self)
2, The mind (feelings, will, emotions, etc)
3, The body
This is something that we take for granted and yet we seem to have no problem believing this,
We are triune beings
We were created by God in the likeness of God

Why is it so hard to understand then that The Complete God May actually be made up of Three Destinct parts that just so happens to all play corresponding roles of service to all of man kin,
that of Mind (God the father, Body (God The Son) Spirit (God The Holy Spirit)
Just think about it, are you not also a three part being, the only difference is that we are flawed, we are not perfect and as such must have the redemption power of Christ's glorious salvation given to us freely by Christ himself.


Officially, Buddhists do not worship Buddha as a god, in fact the Buddha himself never had a position on the existence of a diety, because he was more concerned with breaking the cycle of attachment and suffering during life on earth. Buddha was a title meaning "the awakened one" given to the man who taught these things, it is not the same as calling upon the name of a diety.
And Muslims worship the same God that Christians and Jews do, it's just that Allah is the Arabic word for God...it's the same as saying Deus in French or Dio in Spanish. And even then, Muslims, Jews, and Christians adhere to the ineffablity of God, meaning that God the great "I AM", which is beyond names, Jesus is the loving aspect and a way we relate to the ultimately unfathomable (at least in human life). Basically, Jesus, being part of God (or God), is the "face" of the Ultimate.
But you are right, many Christians have different beliefs about the trinity, unity, and aspects of God. The only reason the Trinity is the mainstream accepted form is because of the council of Nicea in 325 a.d.



Road Runner: Jesus was God in the flesh. John 1:1 and Philippians 2 say so.


Thank you - that was the funniest thing I've read all week.

"recant their heresy" & "Holy Mother Church", oh man, still cracks me up when I read it.

Let me guess, you don't eat shellfish do you?


Jewish law forbids shellfish. Wrong religion.



Thanks for the addition.


I saw Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ before I saw this movie. What I liked about this particular movie was that it went further than the Gibson movie did in showing Jesus as risen from the dead, i.e. that he was indeed God. After all, the Bible does quote Jesus as saying 'I and the Father are ONE'.

Anyway....the funny thing is that I rented this movie in Japan, where I currently live, and the Japanese title simply read 'Jesus' (possibly to coincide with the DVD release of Gibson's film here). So I thought this was a movie about Jesus. As we watched it, it became obvious that the director wanted to portray Christ from his mother's point of view. For example, he showed Jesus going into the desert but, surprisingly, not the events that transpired there, obviously because Mary hadn't been there to witness them.

While I appreciated that a good portion of the dialogue was taken straight from Scripture, and some of the 'poetic licence' taken enhanced our understanding of the times AND that the movie's actual title was MARY mother of Jesus, I did find the inclusion of Mary in every scene of the movie and making her the source of a lot of His wisdom quite a stretch. Especially in the crucifixion scene, the camera kept cutting back to her. I found that quite distracting.

Still, I didn't hate the movie. I am a fan of Christian Bale's (isn't everyone?) and was always interested in seeing this movie because of a quote I read where, when they asked him if he slept well while filming American Psycho, he saidthat he had a lot more nightmares while portraying the Son of God. About his performance, although I really do believe Bale's a talented actor, he did'nt fully understand his role in this movie. He played his role much like he did Mandras in Captain Corelli's Mandolin, as a passionate political insurgent, but not much more.


Crazy man.

I'm sorry but as an Anglo Protestant (Church of England), your post really offended me.

Your Catholic bigotry has no place in the modern world, people are no longer heretics, they are no longer excommunicated, or burnt at the stake for being protestants or some other religious denomination. Are you still living in Tudor times?

NEWSFLASH The Spanish Inquisition is over and has been for a long time, where have you been for the last 500 years????

Please let people believe in what they wish, and worship and pray to whomever they please, whenever they please and however they please.

Or are you still stuck in the out of date knowledge that the catholic faith is the only one that should be allowed?

It is fanatics like your good self that cause most of the unrest in the world, when people allow religion to blind them to all other things, to take over their life, and worse still segregate people in some sort of Nazi manner. You try and stamp on other people's beliefs and try to convert everyone you meet to your own way of thinking, and if they don't see eye to eye with you or Saint Mel Gibson then they are heretics and doomed to damnation. Hogwash.

I suppose 'Love Thy Neighbour' to you actually means, 'Love Thy Neighbour only if their Catholic' or 'Thou shalt not kill' means 'thou shalt not kill any other catholics but everyone else is fair game'

Its bigotry of the first order, and hypocritical to boot. As for 'Thou shalt not kill', did you know the Pope in Elizabethan times actually became the first mafia don in Rome because he ordered a 'hit' on Elizabeth I of England? If that isn't hypocracy I don't know what is.

Sorry if this reply seems harsh but it's none less than you deserve.


When I first read the first post on this thread, I thought it was a bit of a joke - then it became apparent to me that it was a perfect example of how so many Catholics (who DO have the True Faith - on that part I agree) have gone off the deep end and have no compassion/love of neighbor anymore. What good does it do to go about the Internet (world) instigating fights and stating such inflamatory beliefs - be they true, or not? How does this accomplish anything? How does this evangelize others to my Faith? It doesn't.

Jesus told the Apostles to go into the world spreading the Good News of the Gospel - not ticking people off all over the place. I do happen to think that the Catholic Faith IS the only true religion - and the only one that should be, that the Inquisition was a necessary thing to rid the Church of infiltrators - heretics who had ascended to high positions that threatened the Church as a whole. I believe I am following the Faith that Christ himself started and that I am right and non-Catholics are wrong, BUT I want to enlighten people, not make them so completely angry that they won't ever even LOOK at the Catholic Faith because of idotic intolerance. What good would it do me to go to Mass every day or say 10 Rosarys a day, only to look down my nose at anyone who isn't doing the same - let alone all the non-Catholics in the world. How prideful is that?! Pride is the chief sin that God will NOT overlook during our final judgement. Some of the most prideful, un-generous, unbending people I have ever met have been Catholics and I just don't get it. I'd rather live in a Protestant community who have true love of neighbor, than a Catholic community that is full of hypocrites.

There IS a time for putting ones foot down - like Jesus did in the temple to the money changers - but only in the direst of situations, not just over the symantics of a name of this movie, for cryin' out loud! Besides, the movie title doesn't seem blasphemous to me - and I'm a staunch Traditional Catholic. I tell my kids all the time that Mary was "Jesus' mommy". Am I a blasphemer for that?! Give me a break.

Oh, and that bit about maybe not being able to save my soul if I see Christian Bale as Batman because he hasn't repented of this movie title - what a crock!


The One true Faith? How offensive!

The Spanish inquisition was nessasary? Even though it goes against the very doctrine of Christianity and the Ten Commandments? They killed and murdered and tortured people you insane woman and all in the name of the Catholic faith.

It was Nazism of the first order but then looking at the way your church is run and how it's followers are oppressed and their free will strangulated, then I have to say there is not much to chose between them.

Even as late as 1936, when Mussolini invaded Abysynia with the sole intention of butchery and murder against it's non catholic, unarmed, black inhabitants, the Catholic church blessed their mission. It is Hypocracy unlike any other, and actions I'm sure Christ would retreat in disgust from.

As a protestant my basic religion is the same as yours, we are Christians who beleive in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and live our lives on the message of hope, love, mercy and peace he gave us.

The only difference between us, is we have the freedom and enough sense of free will to interprete what He said for ourselves, instead of some other papal authority telling it to us as if we were too thick to understand it. You are a slave to your religion just like the Jews were to the Nazis. You do not have the right to question your beleif even with good intentions, you do not have the right to sin. You havn't even go the right to feel your religion in your heart for yourself. Anything you beleive in you are TOLD and ORDERED to beleive in, and the devil take you if you don't.

Whats the point on having a Lord who forgives, if we never do anything to be forgiven for? Human beings are not perfect or infallable, and we do, do things wrong, but it seems your religion even denies you a basic thing as human error. Whats the point of having a Lord who teaches, if were not allowed to ask questions in order to understand better? Why do have a Bible which is the biggest selling book in history, if only Popes and Cardinals have the right to read it and express their opinions? They have to tell you what it means? Can't you form your own opinions? When you read a detective novel or a romance novel, do you need someone else to explain it to you? No! So why do it with the Bible?

Your slaves face it. And in all truth, when Jesus roamed the earth, he recruited followers NOT slaves. Beleivers NOT subordinates.

And another couple of points worth mentioning. Why does the Catholic church constantly 'tap' their beleivers out of their money, to such an extent that you have fine gold encrusted churches around the world, yet the people who attend them and give what they can ill afford each week, live in abject sqaulour and poverty outside the church gates? Surely if the Catholic church, cares for their 'sheep' then some food on their table would be the best way to help them, not another gold chalice for your already overflowing alter tables.

Jesus was a carpenter for crying out loud, do you think he had a gold chalice on the night of the last supper? I don't think so do you? Use a paper cup for communion and save the money for the poor. Thats more of a Christian 'Love thy neighbour' attitude, do you not think?

And why, Oh why, does your church allow girls as young as eight in Africa, to give birth to babies born from rape, instead of giving them the right to terminate. It is such a cruel and terrible thing you force them to endure. As if the poor things havn't endured enough already. In this case and others like them with regards to HIV and contraception etc, the Catholic church have been guilty of the worst human rights violations in recent years.

God forbid it never happens, but imagine it was your child tramatised by rape and forced to carry a rapist's child at such an early age, wouldn't you want to help her as much as you can, to end her suffering and bring stability and peace into her life once more? Imagine it was your child who contracted HIV from unprotected sex. Would you then start to question your oppresive church and its out of date doctrine?

The world has changed but the Catholic church has not changed with it. It is as oppresive and cruel as it always was. And I never thought I would say that about any relgion where Jesus Christ was the centre. I beleive in Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible. I cannot accept that these acts of such unquestionable evil are how He intended His Church to behave.


"Even though it goes against the very doctrine of Christianity and the Ten Commandments?"

Except that Moses had people killed for disobeying God once and Jesus said He came not to destroy the Law but to fullfill it. Not once does Jesus condemn capital punishment.

"It was Nazism of the first order but then looking at the way your church is run and how it's followers are oppressed and their free will strangulated, then I have to say there is not much to chose between them."

Do you have any clue as to what you are talking about? How are Catholics oppressed? Do you think we have a Catholic gustapo checking our houses? Not even the Spanish Inquisition was that bad. If you actually read about it you would discover that there are records of people lying about heresy so their case could be brought before the Inquisition, so they were guaranteed a fair trial. There were also two priests who openly condemned the bishops for the luxury they lived in, but the two were never brought before the Inquisition. Why? Because they weren't preaching heresy. So they could bad-mouth the Church all they wanted as long as they didn't condemn dogma.
I bet you also didn't know that the Inquisition killed 2,000 people in over 200 years, while the French Revolution killed 40,000 in a matter of months.

"Even as late as 1936, when Mussolini invaded Abysynia with the sole intention of butchery and murder against it's non catholic, unarmed, black inhabitants, the Catholic church blessed their mission."

Are you on crack? The Church condemn Mussolini and I believed even excommunicated him.

"is we have the freedom and enough sense of free will to interprete what He said for ourselves, instead of some other papal authority telling it to us as if we were too thick to understand it."

Except that every single one of you has a different idea of what the Bible says. Unlike the Catholics who believe the same thing. If your view is correct than why did Jesus bother preaching or ordaining the Apostles? Why not hand out the Bible and let everyone have fun with it? If believing what the pope says is true is slavery, than the same goes for listening to the Bible.

"You do not have the right to question your beleif even with good intentions, you do not have the right to sin. You havn't even go the right to feel your religion in your heart for yourself. Anything you beleive in you are TOLD and ORDERED to beleive in, and the devil take you if you don't."

"If anyone preach to you a Gospel other than what we have preached, let him be anethema." Gal. 1-8.

"If he will not hear the Church let him be unto thee a heathan and a publican". Matt. 18-17.

"Obey those that have rule over you, and submit yourselves" Heb. 13.

"And whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". Matt. 16.

"Whats the point on having a Lord who forgives, if we never do anything to be forgiven for? Human beings are not perfect or infallable, and we do, do things wrong, but it seems your religion even denies you a basic thing as human error. Whats the point of having a Lord who teaches, if were not allowed to ask questions in order to understand better?"

So you are saying because Jesus died for our sins we should commit sins so it makes it more worth it for Him? If so you are deranged too think we should sin. The Church never said that 'if you listen to us you won't sin'. The Church teaches that all men have been born with sin and will commit sins. The saints were all sinners.

"Why do have a Bible which is the biggest selling book in history, if only Popes and Cardinals have the right to read it and express their opinions? They have to tell you what it means? Can't you form your own opinions? When you read a detective novel or a romance novel, do you need someone else to explain it to you? No! So why do it with the Bible?"

There are no opinions about the Truth. If its all up for us than why did God give us the 10 commandments or tell us to be good? Why did He preach certain Truths?

"Why does the Catholic church constantly 'tap' their beleivers out of their money, to such an extent that you have fine gold encrusted churches around the world, yet the people who attend them and give what they can ill afford each week, live in abject sqaulour and poverty outside the church gates? Surely if the Catholic church, cares for their 'sheep' then some food on their table would be the best way to help them, not another gold chalice for your already overflowing alter tables."

The Church obtained the money for these riches because many clergy owned land. they weren't 'tapping' people for their money. If you had half a brain and learned about Catholicism, that there are thousands of saints who gave all to the poor. There are religious orders that were created specifically to help the poor. Some of these orders weren't even allowed to own shoes. I can give you thousands examples of popes, clergy, and Catholic laity devoting themselves to the poor.And not to mention we have Mother Theresa for own own times?




Please people read the Bible. The answers are all there and the only source of truth to these posts.


You talk about the 'terrible' actions of the church in the 'early days' without mention that such cruel and oppresive doctrine still goes on today. Do you deny this? Does Benedict XVI allow raped children in Africa a termination? Does he allow people with HIV to have protected sex? No is the answer to both questions and therefore what I said cannot be faulted.

Lady Bandit who posted after you, said the answers to all these arguements can be found in the Bible...well read the Bible from cover to cover and if you find one passage relating to Jesus Christ's view on HIV and relavant contraceptions then I would love to have it pointed out to me because I either missed it entirely or I must have turned two pages over at once. My arguement is that these raped children and HIV sufferers should be shown love and kindness and given provisions by their church to help end their suffering...now the Bible is full of passages like that and all of them in stark contrast to how the catholic church is behaving towards them.

There are so many passages in the Bible, where Jesus ended the suffering of others, the blind man, the leper, the cripple. Why can't the Catholic church do more to end suffering the way our Lord did? Isn't that why they are there?

Also I bring mention to story of Jesus entering the temple and turning over the tables of the merchants who were using it as a market place, a building in which to make money. Look at your catholic churches today, so rich in their finary that they fail to see the conditions in which the people around it live. Why is the Vatican one of he richest organisations in the world when a large majority of Catholics live in poverty worldwide?

At the conclave when the Cardinals met to elect the new pope earlier this year, they met in conditions of luxury and greed...a purpose built hotel indeed...and one whats more that was built especially and exclusivly for that purpose..its not even used the rest of the time...now tell that to a poor pregnant 8 year old catholic girl in Africa as she suffers each day in her delapadated mud hut..see if she can make any sense of it, because I sure as hell can't. Moreover, didn't Jesus speak of 'The Dangers of Riches' the very riches your Cardinals now seem to aquire? They quote Jesus but behave like Judas. Afterall didn't Judas benefit finacially by another mans suffering? Taking into account that Judas was so remorseful he threw away the money and ended his life, your Cardinals are in point of fact worse as no such remorse seems to exist.

This isn't a post borne from the world according to Scaramouche2004, it is a post where the issues cannot be argued with. Anyone with an ounce of human decency will tell you that to threaten people with hell and damnation unless they choose an option of pain and long suffering is wrong, cruel, oppresive and sick.


"Does Benedict XVI allow raped children in Africa a termination?"

Murder is never justifiable, especially that of an innocent infant. Its a human being, not an incovenience.

"Does he allow people with HIV to have protected sex?"

Maybe if they didn't sleep around, they wouldn't have sexually transmitted diseases.
Not to mention condoms prevent semen from being transmitted; all you have to do is look at the example of Onan who wasted his seed.

"Look at your catholic churches today, so rich in their finary that they fail to see the conditions in which the people around it live. Why is the Vatican one of he richest organisations in the world when a large majority of Catholics live in poverty worldwide?"

Yes, the Church is so rich thats why they are closing schools, churches and seminaries left and right.

"they met in conditions of luxury and greed...a purpose built hotel indeed...and one whats more that was built especially and exclusivly for that purpose..its not even used the rest of the time"

The conclave met in the Sistine Chapel, that is, a place of worship that is still used today.

"now tell that to a poor pregnant 8 year old catholic girl in Africa as she suffers each day in her delapadated mud hut..see if she can make any sense of it, because I sure as hell can't. Moreover, didn't Jesus speak of 'The Dangers of Riches' the very riches your Cardinals now seem to aquire? They quote Jesus but behave like Judas. Afterall didn't Judas benefit finacially by another mans suffering? Taking into account that Judas was so remorseful he threw away the money and ended his life, your Cardinals are in point of fact worse as no such remorse seems to exist."

How is an 8 year old pregnant? For a child to have reached puberty so young is an anomoly, and therefore not normal or on everyone's radar. Even if every Catholic Church gave very cent it owned, there would still be poor.

In the Old Testament, the Temple and the priests and all vessels used in ceremonial worship were made from gold and precious gems. And wasn't it Judas who said the woman's perfume should have been sold to the poor? And wasn't it Jesus Who said "You will always have the poor, but you will not always have Me"? Jesus also supped in rich man's houses; a bit hypocritical to denounce all riches yet take advantage of other's money, dontcha think? And yes, Jesus did have a gold or silver chalice at the Last Supper. The Pasch wasn't a Thanksgiving meal with good times with family and friends; it was a solem sacrificial meal that dwelt more with meditation, prayer and ceremony than social life. The Jews would have used precious metal for such an event(like Grandma'a silver dining set), not a wooden cup like in "Indianna Jones and the Last Crusade".


It is not blasphemy to call Mary "the mother of Jesus". It is a blasphemy to deny that she was the mother of God. Please do not confuse the issue. Obviously Mary WAS the mother of Jesus(who is God), why would it be blasphemy to acknowledge that fact? Examine your logic.



Well with an all too apparant vacant void where your intelligence should reside, may I not too kindly suggest that you keep out of the discussion, let the adults talk and go and play with some extremelly hazardous material...or whatever it is you retarted moronic perverts play with these days. The grown ups are talking...leave the room.


Mary, Mother of Jesus refered to her primary role in raising a boy into a man, regardless of who his father was. This was from her point of view, of watching her oldest son (I do not believe that mary and joseph did not go on to have children, that idea in those times is just ridiculous) grow from a boy into a man into a savior/symbol/persecuted.

If the title had been Mary, MOther of God it would have missed the entire point, that the movie is about Mary. And her relationship with her son, who was named Jesus.



jrlandsverk, stop posting your ignorant, idiotic comments on message boards (i.e. your very mature " Christians are stupid and so are Jews" comment ) We don't give a damn that you're a "fallen catholic," so go take your infantile rantings elsewhere.


With all due respect, Scaramouche: Your statement was lacking in maturity as well.


"If anyone can go see Christian Bale as "Batman" without peril to their soul if he does not first recant."

