this game

is incredible! i think they should make another one except by today's standards. good storyline and everything tho.

"Ah, Mr. Seltzer?"
"Ah, it's Setzer."
"No...I think it's Seltzer."
Sigh."Waddya want Homer..."


They have this is game #6 in a series of 8

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


Have you heard of The Silver Lining? Its a fan made game that takes place after the eighth game. Their doing their very best to make professionally. The tone will be a bit darker, and the game more cinematic with a very deep plot. Not out yet, but hopefully it will be soon.


You mean a remake? That would be biiiiiiiiiitchin! I'd like for Alex and Cassima to have the same voices, though. I'd get all freaked out if a different voice was proclaiming his love for Princess Cassima.

Responsive to Dunnis, Nonnie, Nundiss, Daia, and Dundee


Dunno if you'll see this (you posted 5 years ago) but apparently they're doing a reboot of the series...won't be this one but a high-end remake of the original. There's also a prequel to the first game in the works called King's Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow...hopefully Roberta is involved somehow, she seemed to be the real magic in the game...


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."
